
What’s your point? Seems like the premise for an intriguing commentary on patriarchy and female objectification.

What’s the snark? Where’s the joke? He previously claims that Lanthimos is an Oscar-winner, which is also untrue. I think it’s just ignorance and piss-poor writing.

“I’ve long thought of Ashton Kutcher as kind of dim - with literally no evidence.”

I thought that was Elon Musk or, *shudder*, the last US president?

And the fact that he’s just repeating criticisms of the culture industry espoused by Adorno and Horkheimer close to 100 years ago when cinema was “better”... yeah... he’s too smart of a dude for this.

Good thing you’re on the Internet if you’re actually curious. Or you could just be a dunce gloating about their ignorance as if that makes you special somehow.

seems to have phased the man himself.”

I remember The Simpsons episode being pretty good, too?

... And here come all the fatuous commenters disparaging the theatrical experience for any number of facile, inane reasons...

Seeing smaller art films in theaters is the best, actually, because you’re (ideally) in a setting conducive to heightened awareness and concentration on the film, which art films especially demand. There aren’t the same possibilities for interruption as at home.

Where on earth are you going/do you live? I’ve honestly never encountered anything remotely that bad. Try your smaller chains or independent theaters if you’ve got them.

“Yeah Stephen I know how vile these GOP fuckers are, you don’t have to go all Howard Beale on me about it again every day, take a couple off.”

Like most catchy sayings it’s very simplistic and not very accurate (and reinforces reductive good/bad binary thinking). Oppenheimer is a pretty good movie but it’s also too long, for instance.

Meanwhile, I exclusively communicate via semaphores delivered through a magic lantern.

“I used to be young,” as in I used to not have to worry about employment, rent, health insurance, student loan repayments, taxes, possible kids, the likelihood of greater health concerns, etc. etc. These things are very real at 30, and nonexistent as a teenager.

Oh wow, I could have sworn it was Gallagher’s! Weird what memory does.

So this isn’t a prequel to the Jacques Tourneur movie that was remade by Paul Schrader? I want nothing to do with it, then.

“I was just thinking what an interesting concept it is to eliminate the writer from the artistic process. If we can just get rid of these actors and directors, maybe we’ve got something here.”

You might not be thinking of the right movie, then.