Oh, that’s Flava Flov, he was kicked out of the group even before Professor Griff.
Oh, that’s Flava Flov, he was kicked out of the group even before Professor Griff.
Um, Old here too. WTF is Hov?
Oh for fucks sake, Gwynneth!
Read this as “Flov” and was like, “Who is that? Oh, God, I’m officially An Old.”
Unfortuantely, sometimes it seems like a woman needs to be over-qualified in order to do the same job a, not-so-qualified, man does.
Yep. Those mannequins aren’t just very, very slim, they’re way the fuck tall. I mean, I am sure there are a handful of women whose bodies are naturally shaped this way, but when this is your sole visible body type and it’s being presented as aspirational it’s a problem.
Also, those mannequins may be “wearing” a size…
Agreed. In describing the mannequins as “ridiculously shaped,” I think she means in the same way a Barbie doll is ridiculous—ie, the physics of those limbs + hip girdle + height = a person who cannot stand up straight or walk.
I haven’t seen thes mannequins, but it’s possible that’s she’s not saying the size is ridiculous rather the proportions of the mannequin which may not resemble those of an actual human who wears the same dress size.
In the car, he goes on to vape, talk about gun control, and attempt to FaceTime Megan Fox.
I’d be like:
I can’t tell you how fast I’d be like, “YOU’RE DUMPED” if a dude said that about me.
In reference to the Shia post, as a naturally aggressive person who has had to train myself not to respond the way I feel innately, I can understand how it might feel like a person is pushing you out of your comfort zone into another realm. HOWEVER, it’s not a good idea to talk about killing folks and domestic…
Or we could make him the new co-host and just let them cannibalize each other? just spit balling.
If I’d have stayed there, I would have killed her.
I see your point, but I think that when (nearly) ALL mannequins display extremely thin bodies, that basically *is* glorification of extremely thin bodies.
what the fuck is happening/
I know, it’s like, “Be whoever you want to be and do whatever you want to do, but don’t do it in a way that crosses paths with my consciousness because that stirs up uncomfortable feelings inside me and I like things to be a certain kind of way, like when people I’m comfortable with are the only ones visible to me and…
For all you assholes, and there are lots of you, saying you can’t get behind this because you think Cait and the Kardashians are just doing this for publicity, go fuck yourselves. Maybe she is. Who cares? That’s not the point.
She’s been famous since the 70s. I think you have a warped perception of time.