
It’s in Pueblo, it all goes to the same address. xD

No wonder he walks that way...

Agree 100%. For no reason should these two candidates could be considered comparable. Pretending that there’s two sides to the LGBT debate (or that there’s even a debate) is ridiculous. Because they’re not. And pretending that’s the case for the sake of perceived balance is disingenuous and stupid. The reality is

There really needs to be a fuck balance movement in journalism, because sometimes there just aren’t two equal sides.

What if you’re pegging your partner and you kiss them? Do the acts cancel each other out?

Peter Thiel’s influence has a rippling effect, I see.

As long as Funkadelic stays strong we all might have a shot at survival.

Hey, I ain’t saying he’s a golddigger...But he ain’t messing with a broke heiress. ;)

He is classic famous person boyfriend/first husband material. He’s so Federlinian.

To illustrate your point, the way Jeff Ross became known as the ne plus ultra of roast dudes was through the following sequence of events at Jerry Stiller’s Friars’ Club roast:

Coulter’s refusal to accept accountability for her poor showing seems par for the course for a self-righteous racist who’s made a career out of blaming other people for everything that’s wrong in the world.

Every accusation from a conservative is actually an admission.

I think that part of the "joke" of roasts is that, deep down, you are supposed to respect the person getting roasted/the other people roasting them. Seth Meyers laying into Barrack Obama and Joe Biden at the WHCD is funny, because at the end of the day most people have at least some level of respect for those figures.

Who in the fuck actually likes this delusional maniac? Who’s buying her books? I don’t understand how she’s successful. Even to the alt right she seems like an angry, aimless monster with no real concrete ideas other than “uhmm...yell at everyone, call everyone names, and be generally cunty”.

I’m going to go with the “this was brilliantly all planned” by Coulter theory. This was a roast of ROB LOWE, and you would never know it — all anyone is talking about is Coulter. She’s getting tons of publicity out of this, even if it’s “bad” publicity, which is pretty much all she ever gets anyhow.

I watched her whole set on the rerun last night. It was better than the clip that Jez showed yesterday, since that clip seemed to be gathering up the worst, but it was still bad. Thing is though, a couple jokes were sorta funny, and I think she could’ve been funny as the “hated conservative in a room full of liberals”

That’s how you get a guinea pig with really strong views on immigration.

Medically it's known as the Devils Sidewalk.

A: Jelly bean

Ladies, if you can’t find your own vaginas, how are we menz supposed to find your clitoris?