
Ironically, this looks like a dish from Cracker Barrel.

Bulls**t. I’ve been a technical hiring manager for decades, and the pool of candidates has always been overwhelmingly white and male.

I would wager that exactly 0% of you complaining about white men not creating enough diversity have ever been a hiring manager on a technical team.

This is just like a movie I saw, except the woman sent to kill the bad guy ended up becoming his secretary. And “taking dictation” if you know what I mean.

Sadly, not knowing anything whatsoever will be seen as a “feature” not a “bug” for those whew wanted to throw Trump as a bomb at The Establishment.

I imagine the official kissing-of-the-Trump ring private ceremony going like this:

My money’s on Chris Christie as AG and Guilani as Secretary of Dept. of Homeland Security. That way he gets to putter around and say “9/11" to himself all day and get paid for it with your and my tax dollars.

This is a must read:

I have been skipping dinner but not booze in the evenings, and this has resulted in lots of poops and me needing to keep Preparation H and cortisone cream in my desk drawer. I am super lucky to finally have a job where I have my own office with a door, but I would never, ever, ever put cream on my own b-hole in my

I deleted some, and kept those family and friends for whom FB is my only way to actually contact them. Those people I un-followed, and my FB feed is relatively tolerable. Still, there will always be s**tlords who worm their way into your face online somehow. Here’s my advice for dealing with them:
Don’t let those who

I’m in TX too, born and raised (but a stinkin’ liberal). I think you meant secede, but it’s way funnier to imagine they tried (and failed) to succeed.

Amen. I’ve been telling everyone who tries to comfort me that “Trump won’t be that bad,” that I’m not worried about his direct actions. He’d rather be popping wheelies in Air Force One or whatever. It’s the next Dick Cheney or Donald Rumsfeld he’s about to hand some critical position to.

He’s going to hand it over to the next round of Rumsfeld/Cheneys like Bush did. Pay close attention to who he puts in his cabinet, they’re the ones who will be running the executive branch while he’s flying around playing putt putt in Air Force One.

If I were Jen I’d at least drop Brad a PM and say: the crazy ones sure are fun at first, aren’t they?

I am straight but would consider getting gayed if that is an option.

Now that is funny.

To celebrate the final day of this historically disturbing election season...

Your move, Bill O’Reilly.

Even though we have taught our children the correct anatomical terms for their parts, we also have shorthand nonspecific nicknames for the whole “downstairs area.” My 4-year old daughter calls hers her Cha Cha.

Wow, the self pity and hysterics of your detractors is super depressing. I agree with what you’ve said. Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Bill Frist, Tom Delay, Alberto Gonzales and that whole cadre of bastards couldn’t destroy the country - and they were *really* trying.