
There once was a fool from Manhattan

How long before it’s just going to be Ivanka on a kazoo?


We’re just a few days into 2017, but it’s not too early to anticipate what crazy nonsense is going to happen this

(laugh track)

Recline away. That bump you feel in the middle of your back? That’s my knees. No, I don’t plan on moving them. Enjoy.

Rather than a bus-driver, could Ralph be a professional Uber driver? I mean, that’s hip and modern, right?

It is a pipeline problem.

Is there a celebrity with a higher success to talent ratio than Kathy Griffin? She’s the Kiss of comedians.

The Love Boat full of Captain Stubings and Charos.

Hillary was a weak candidate. Completely competent but weak. Why? She failed to come out with a strong economic message. The white dudes in Middle America are not going to rally behind “women and children” and her neoliberal brand of multiculturalism (i.e. the American Dream is big enough for all of us). The hard

Let’s run candidates who don’t constantly do bad things that we then have to constantly explain away.

Those are things that were known to come along with having Clinton as the candidate. It didn’t have to be her, and I’m not just talking about Bernie. She was a top down candidate.

People want to blame everyone but Clinton and the democratic party for the loss. Typical punching down instead of up. I wish dems would take responsibility for doing a poor job.

No. She lost because she was a shit candidate. Do you like war? Do you like to be told things that will never happen? Want a politician that waits until there is a majority consensus on an issue before she makes a statement about it? She is all that and more. Trump was terrible, worse even, but I see why people were

Extreme circumstances call for extreme measures.

Mine are awful, and I’m hardly eating to begin with. My asshole burns like like it has a hot poker in it. I threw up three times on Wednesday too, one at 1am before I tried to go to sleep (heh!) and then twice during Wednesday proper.

Damn you spell correct. I was in a typing frenzy today but that works also. Ha. They did not succeed in their secession. So many s’s and c’s.

Thank you for the open thread and the amazing coverage.