
While this isn’t going to make a difference to the majority of PS4 owners, this will be a big deal when the PS4 eventually gets emulated on PC’s. 

I hope it’s a cheese fest. DMC works best when the cheese is cut sharp. 

This follows in a long tradition of the non-games press failing to understand much of anything about games in their reporting.

Kinja is designed to enforce censorship on those that don’t groupthink. So not this site, Reddit, or any with a comment suppression system.

Or he could have had a blast working on a Pokemon movie. Working on a collaboration with a team of talented artists from all over the world... or No he was the person who made artwork that landed on your video gaming news site and he should have made the movie all by himself.

I swear you people are so quick to hate on

What do you have to do in 2018 to get a job? This guys finds a platform crippling bug that would have shaken steam to its core had it gone public and they just toss him a fist full of dollars? Don’t get me wrong, I’ll take 20K any day of the week but it just seems that this man’s services are worth more than one lump

“What’s the most you ever lost on a coin toss?”

Mr. Mime’s shoulders are kickballs...

Might not be a perfect solution for you but the pack of Hitman 1 levels for Hitman 2 is only $20, cheaper than actually buying Hitman 1 itself, so if anyone is kinda sure they wanna get Hitman 2 but still wanna play Hitman 1, that’s an overall cheaper option.

Man, that’s a sad infinity Gauntlet. That’s the kind of infinity gauntlet I’d expect from D&D 5th edition. 

For all those of us who are tired of Windows 10, but still want to play games

OK, Microsoft now owns half the studios anyone has ever heard of. The question is, will they get any exclusives going this generation or are they just loading their arsenal for Xbox Two XX?

wtf is activision gonna do with a dead IP? your spinfoil is too tight

who’s really gonna use this? do you guys not have phones?

I was going to be thay guy, though less angry. But the headline is absolutely clickbait-y.

I’m gonna be that guy.

How are you guys not covering the xbox live outage tonight?  All digital games aren’t being allowed to run.  Like you can’t even get them to run if you’re offline.  This is a huge things.  They’re going to have to update their system to allow offline usage to make people happy now.  

Hey at leas they didn’t show Diablo four with rainbows or even worse with puddles that ended up not being in the final release

You made a surprisingly good list of things that existed in Origins but I NEVER used despite 100%ing it. In fact, out of all the “tools” I only used the sleep darts a couple times because of the awesome beast tamer ability.

Origins also has those poison/disease (can’t recall how the game referred to it) abilities that can spread from enemy to enemy. Pretty OP, but a lot of fun. Odyssey has the Ghost Arrows of Artemis which are total game breaker. Sometimes literally... I shot and killed Lagos in his closed room, but then when I went