
For those of you who don't know how this plays out, cause you ain't seen this movie before, the white chick walks free, Justice is never served, and Botham Jean's family wins a massive civil suit.  But it never brings Botham back, and it never changes the outcome for another Black person.  This country is fucked up.

Mexico 2055, Brazil 2074

Does this mean it will stop production in Mexico in the year 2060?


Their dollar menu really is unfuckwittable. 

It was definitely this man’s unlocky day.

I, too, am spoiled when it comes to growing up in a place that has abundant options for Mexican food (CA Central Valley), so when I think of Mexican food, I *never* think of Taco Bell. However, my dad lives in Idaho and I think Taco Bell is his town’s only option for “Mexican food,” so my heart goes out to those who

these were 3,000 incredible people. We never will let this happen again.”

“Insider job” conspiracy propagation aside, even Ahmadinejad managed to deliver a message more reverent in commemoration of this dark day in American history than Trump did.

Marshawn Lynch is a goddamned national treasure, and should be treated as such.

My decision disallowing Nike from profiting from our taxpayers while they are using their powerful voice as a political tool is my message. This government will not let taxpayer dollars be used to promote a company’s or individual’s political position, platform or principle. That’s my position as a matter of fairness

That’s Patton Oswalt in a wig:

Is that really fair to Melissa and Danny though? Those are two great actors.

Hey, the black delegation passes on White Grimace.

This pretty much sums up my view on that shitty illustration.

Now playing

He has a pretty great sense of humor. Plus, when you’re Marshawn Lynch, I doubt a little teasing is going to bug you too much.   

Said no one to that man’s face

He out there in high school lookin’ like a grown-ass man. lol