
Or we could just do mail in ballots like we do in Washington state. Voting is SO EASY here. You even get a little booklet in the package with all the candidates and their pitches. I sit down with my ballot and my computer, look up all the candidates and propositions I haven’t already researched, check my boxes and

Its Branson Mo. AKA hillbilly, white trash Vegas, clinging to the hills of the Ozarks like a tick on a dog. Sadly, the extreme lack of open spaces and the prevalence of rich hillbillies wanting lakefront property means that property values there are probably much higher than normal for what would other wise be a feste

I wanted to curse out that interviewer who went out of her way to ignore Osaka’s Haitian heritage until Osaka herself had to check the reporter.

“Too many people have stances too strong to figure out a compromise,”

Can't wait for all the videos of Trump supporters lighting their own knees on fire. 

vice president for patriotic activities”

As well you should! Congratulations on your excellent life choices.

My first truck and the car I got married in. (I post this every time a question like this is posed).

Yep, it’s all performative outrage for them because they’ve never actually had to be part of a meaningful movement with any substance, so they have no idea how it works.

... six pounds of bison. Bucket of french fries. Case of beer, and not crap beer, some good microbrewery shit with lots of calories, like an imperial porter or something ...

Marathons are crazy. At least during ultras they feed you. If I’m running that far, I am going to NEED potatoes, sandwiches, crackers, some M+Ms....

I run two miles a day, five days a week, at best about 8:30/mile ... and by the end of the run I’m basically praying for death. I don’t know how anyone does a marathon, let alone an ultra. These people are nuts.

There doesn’t seem to be a mechanism to compel Officers to do this?

“I don’t know what possessed me. I just did it. I didn’t even think about it. I just kind of did it on impulse and it was a bad impulse.”

Eh, I’ve worked in healthcare for a long time. Various forms of bodily fluids, wastes and secretions just don’t ick me out anymore. I mean, they’re not pleasant, and I have my limits but at the same time, some shit just has to get done, y’know? And good on her. If you’re job is to give a handy to a thoroughbred she

I’m sure you’re just being glib for the sake of it, but fuck it, I’ll bite. My point is less that we can’t say that some jobs are more preferable than others (I for one have no fucking desire to be a corpse embalmer or a sewage worker), but that all jobs deserve at least a certain base wage that is livable and

I have a friend whose job it is to inseminate farm animals by hand. I like to believe my job is a lot better than hers.

“I just kind of did it on impulse and it was a bad impulse.”


Seriously. If you’re coach/instructor/sensi doesn’t spend 85% of their time screaming “HANDS UP!!!!” you’re in a tae bo class.