
...and then Trump tries to hire them into CBP (border patrol).

You assume they have the self-awareness to understand this.

Yeah, I’m just waiting for the other shoe to drop. This feels too... right, for 2018.

And it seems weird to nobody that Ricardel picked a fight with the First Lady. That’s not even an unusual thing to write anymore.

Look, we at The Root hate Tucker Carlson as much as the next anti-Trump fan, but finding someone’s home and harassing them at their house is way out of bounds, even for us.

Who among us hasn’t accidentally donated money? Every time I’m on a diet I accidentally donate money to Domino’s.


...okay, I’ll bite. Whose voice does Thug Siri have?

Everything Kemp’s done, only less front-page-headliney?

Dude on the right there, looks like he got photoshopped in.

That headline is a sentence I really never expected to see.

So, different corner then.

I don’t know why, but this exchange right here is the funniest thing on Kinja right now (to me).

He tried something different today. Sigh.

Think he’s actually back from... wherever he was, or is he just in a different corner of it?

There are a few reasons to be angry at this, and I’m at the point in my day where I don’t know which one is best.

The Mordecai avatar adds an amusing layer to this discovery.

...I did not know bones could even break like that. And he doesn’t even land all that weird either - it’s like his arm just suddenly, catastrophically gave way. Ouch.

It looks like three or four different shoes superimposed onto each other. I’d see these at $30 at my local outlet store and think “...y’know, my shoes haven’t literally disintegrated yet.”

...So the Sheriff’s department hasn’t had to change anything? Deaths like his, where split-second decisions get made under badly-informed expectations, are going to keep happening if there’s not significant changes to how they communicate to officers on the ground.