...then this one failed. It’s only the choir that cares about it. Close to two weeks later, what else have you heard about it? Hell, this manufactured outrage - what happened to it?
...then this one failed. It’s only the choir that cares about it. Close to two weeks later, what else have you heard about it? Hell, this manufactured outrage - what happened to it?
Out of their home, actually. I watched the video, the act of which was not fun and seems to not count for anything.
...This sounds like the kind of story that ends with an unmarried virgin demanding people have sex with them. Ugh.
Okay, cards on the table. Why have you concluded that I’m a concern troll? My argument has been that the protest didn’t accomplish enough to justify the discomfort, and that all it accomplished was discomfort, a separate issue entirely from leaving weddings off-limits. What is trollish about that?
Setting aside the usual Splinter black-and-white thinking for a second, what’s the reasoning behind a VC not being able to support mid- to far-left proposals at the same time?
This being the case, wouldn’t they have figured it out with Cruz by the time they filmed? (I’m asking.)
I’ve recently begun to think that it’s a little different - that conservatives have a view of race that looks at America from outside of America, which of course misses the subtleties of how race and racism actually work here, as though they were born and raised under a completely different culture and system of…
I plan to go see the new Spike Lee movie in the next few days, as much to confirm with my own eyes that that Vox review got a few things wrong as just wanting to go see a movie (otherwise I’d get it at Redbox - theaters are too expensive nowdays). I’m expecting a message of, ‘you laughed them off and then they took…
Dunno about ‘screaming’, but... you ended up being pretty accurate: https://theslot.jezebel.com/1788497944
I don’t know if I should feel optimistic about how quick the administrative turn was to treat her as a victim, or even more pessimistic at how terrible the suggested solutions are. (Even with everyone asking “who tases a kid?!” I was expecting something closer to a week.)
The fact that she’s autistic explains a lot about this story (the initial event, the reaction, and the fallout). I hope her left-turn sticks.
...no. There’s one thing more powerful than Women of Color: Mothers of Color.
“Ironically, if we instead went with the fourth-degree bias assault (charge) it would be less of a punishment than the charges we filed,” Triggs said.
What have been the reactions to your political approach?
It would have been better if it was something everyone didn’t already know about Nunes. Like, it turns out he hates avocados or something.
My hope is that, when the tides have changed in Congress, there will be a full Muller-tigation into this little bit of corruption.
...ugh. That’s an uncomfortable thought.
Like this but horrifying and disgusting.
A letter like that from the current EPA means nothing. It’s probably a zombie millstone, rolling along on Pruitt’s not-yet-rescinded orders. Someone’s cousin is trying to buy a water purification business and needs some time before he can place a bid...
This is the active community demand for action I wanted to see. Too many lives have been lost for anything less to lead to change.