
Don’t forget to pair that slideshow with a half a dozen pop up ads that completely take over your phone’s screen and don’t allow you to close them out, and then you just end up having to close out chrome entirely just to get your browser to function again.

Nail, meet head.

^This comment should be a slideshow!

So true. I used to have a G/O tab permanently open, but recently I forgot to check Jalopnik and Gizmodo (the only two G/O sites I still look at) for three weeks and I didn’t even notice. There’s simply little reason to visit anymore. They sold off the good sites, turned off comments on others, and routinely screw

It didn’t used to be that way. Once upon a time investors understood that a stable long term return was a favorable outcome. Now it’s like everyone just wants to make as much as possible as quickly as possible, everything else be damned. 

I work in entertainment, and this is one of the realest and truest things I have heard someone in this industry say:

Private equity kills everything.

Aeroflot had a 15-year-old crash a jet in the 1990s so anything’s possible?

Thing is acceleration usually comes together with range. What enables range is having a big battery, which also happens to enable acceleration.

“Folks, this is the cabin crew speaking.  This being Southwest, we have motion sickness bags for sale.  The cabin crew will be heading down the aisle.  One bag is $20, three bags for $50, debit and credit cards only.  Thank you for flying Southwest and we hope to see you again really soon!”

Yeah, I’m not sure how many people realize you can draw a direct line from the murders and the OJ trial to the existence of the Kardashian Industrial Complex.

They really are excellent, especially in person. Saw one the other day and I absolutely did the stare back as I walked past.

No shit, this is genius.  Comes with gloves a size too small to wear, one knife, one gun, only hits 35 mph on highways, and a hired driver.

The first memory of pop culture  from my childhood. I remember it being on the TV in my mom’s bedroom when she was folding laundry when I was very young.

We are not talking length, but height. But since you want to talk length, the wing span is around 117 feet, which means they were 3 wingspans and 50ft from splashing.

How fast do you think a moving jet covers 400 feet?

I’m no pilot, but that seems like a whisker away from a hull loss. This was during landing, so even if the plane was traveling under 200MPH, if corrective action had been taken 1 second later, it would have game over for everyone on board.

I can’t tell if you're being serious or this is some weird sarcasm/joke I’m not in on

That wasn’t the most infamous event that happened that day, at least in my life. I proposed to my ex-wife while the pursuit was on the bedroom TV.