
Just to be clear, I don’t think $20B is as expensive as you might think it is. Most estimates put a new nuclear powerplant cost around $12B~$17B.

You know how this project could get accelerated (pun in tended)?

Sadly due to that enstupidification, more and more people are outright rejecting science. I hate this timeline more than words can say.

Nobody at the company really cares too much given that jail time for execs is never on the table. Maybe they’d care if you took away their golden parachutes? But even that won’t happen.

I didn’t mean to imply that he disliked the books. From what I’ve read in interviews he moved on because the setting was already dated by 1989, and he didn’t want to be 85 and still writing Neuromancer sequels.

Dude is a millionaire. He's not hurting for money. He could go away and still live comfortably. 

Now playing

Probably because “Blame Canada” is really funny, while “Up There,” while heartfelt, is a variation on the standard Menken/Ashman “Somewhere That’s Green”-type aspirational ballad.

where babies burp and flowers bloom

Autism’s a hell of a condition which rests on a spectrum.

Don’t forget to pair that slideshow with a half a dozen pop up ads that completely take over your phone’s screen and don’t allow you to close them out, and then you just end up having to close out chrome entirely just to get your browser to function again.

Nail, meet head.

^This comment should be a slideshow!

So true. I used to have a G/O tab permanently open, but recently I forgot to check Jalopnik and Gizmodo (the only two G/O sites I still look at) for three weeks and I didn’t even notice. There’s simply little reason to visit anymore. They sold off the good sites, turned off comments on others, and routinely screw

It didn’t used to be that way. Once upon a time investors understood that a stable long term return was a favorable outcome. Now it’s like everyone just wants to make as much as possible as quickly as possible, everything else be damned. 

I work in entertainment, and this is one of the realest and truest things I have heard someone in this industry say:

Private equity kills everything.

And who is “undecided” at this point? Who was “undecided” during January 6th? There is nothing that will happen at this debate that will make me cast a vote for anyone but Biden. I don’t need to waste my time by watching a debate with that bloated orange clownfish and I’m not about to purposely sit down and listen to

Completely agree with you there. I’m 52 years old, work in tech, create the systems that people 20-30 years younger than me use every day, so I’m way past caring about being called a boomer or whatever. I’m old enough to be completely comfortable being widely hated and canceled, so I revel in pushing over the apple

Agreed, but many people do not have enough money to leave the country. And in many ways, we already lost in 2016 when the Bernie supporters refused to back Hillary and Trump got to reshape the court resulting in women becoming chattel and guns being available in vending machines.

It’s utterly shameful and pitiful that it even comes to this, a debate expected to be watched by so many people? Why? What the hell for? The next president will be one of these two guys, the Hitler wannabe and the well-meaning older man. One of the two is qualified for the job, and the other is the anti-Christ. WTF