
What upgrades? Proper connections to the U.S. national grid, for starters, greatly increasing redundancy and reducing impact of failure points.

“Wild sense of humor” isn’t the words I would have used... More like “monstrous and outrageous condescencion and arrogance” or the like.

“If you’re interfering with somebody who’s trying to get the power back up, you’re not speeding up the process of getting the power back on; you’re slowing that process down,” Abbott told Houston residents.

Indeed. Back when futurism was still at least somewhat alive and twitching...

If the 48V electrical system is suffering issues/a failure (which seems to be the case here), the AC would potentially/likely be one of the victims.

Yeah and Miss Lindsay once said Dump would destroy the Repugger party, and now he’s rimming kissing the ring with a ferocity that can hardly be matched.

This shit is custom written legislation designed purely for the fossil fuel industry/oil barons in mind. It’s intended to sell more gasser cars to sell more fuel, and more BIGGER gasser cars specifically so even more fuel will get slurped and sold.

I doubt Vance would go as far as killing himself for the man he knows so well to be a charlatan and a fraud, but he’ll certainly do most anything and everything up to actually killing himself - quite possibly including sacrificing some family member(s) of his for Dear Leader.

It’s way past the trolling stage. Dump already racked up the most debt a U.S. Prez ever racked, and that in just one term too. The Repuggers would love to throw even more taxpayer billions to their corporate donors in return for legal bribes and endorsements and whatnot.

It’s actually not proof at all. If you ever end up in a car crash you stand a far greater chance of not just surviving, but also escaping without any major injuries in a modern vehicle versus one from just 20 years ago.

Cost of ownership, mate. EVs are cheaper to run, particularly compared to thirsty sports cars. It’s not just purchase price that plays a factor here.

Perhaps it’s time for airport operators to lay down white surfacing around their terminals, to reduce the amount of heat radiating back up from the tarmac.

I have a tracking tag in my luggage, just to prevent it getting lost (or “lost”).

Everything you just typed is extremist, dehumanizing and simply repugnantly bad. AGAIN, showing solidarity with the Palestinian people by wearing a fucking flag pin is not equivalent to supporting hamas! What a disingenuous, inhuman thing to say.

Interesting stuff! I appreciate the lengthy post! :D

Just wait 3 seconds for the head of the nearest police union to throw himself in front of this rotten cop like a weird Elon Musk fan and declare how the victim(s) of this menace on wheels were actually the ones to blame for everything, and how they should apologize and pay restitution for the unfairly lost income of

It’s always projection with the fascists. They’re doing the Goebbels thing, accusing others of what they’re doing.

Supercharger network is open for everyone these days. Or well, it is here - depending on how backwards the US is these days it might not be yet, I don’t know.

We ALL live in THE SAME house now.

No need for Dems to lower anything, they’re not the ones stoking the flames. This is not a “both sides” thing; it’s a ONE SIDE thing. And again, it’s not the side of the Dems.