
He thinks it’s a waste of money to re-develop something that has already been developed... Ugh.

We would obviously live in man-made habitats on Mars, likely drilled into the bedrock, just like we will on the Moon one day. Terraforming is pie in the sky tech.  Will it happen on Musk’s timetable? That would likely be cosmically improbable, but it will happen at some point because human technology will eventually ad

A lot of people are simply jerks, with no respect for anything other than themselves and their own enjoyment. These nimrods were probably slaloming down the road or some dumb shit like that and then one wheel outside the paved area or a bit of sand/gravel on the edge, and wheeee!!! off they go into the acid geyser.

You need a pressure cooker to heat water (or any fluid) above (its) boiling temp - I suppose you might be able to heat steam inside above 100C in say, a microwave oven for example if you set it to go continuously at full blast with something water-y placed inside it. But that’d be only while adding a ton of energy

The lead storm never happened because the people doing the attacking were white, and the cops were afraid they would get hit with retribution for any violence on their part towards said white people.

I’ve no idea what factual basis you have to draw such conclusions. Iterative design is very much what Tesla does, and has always done. They don’t have model years as such, but rather implement product changes continuously, whenever an updated version of a component is ready. This is how they have been able to create

Animal cruelty is one of the indicators of psychopathy, after all.

I see a large gap above the doors up to the ceiling. So not sure that wall really does much to contain anything (other than people ofcoz) anyhow.

It’s not particularly open air tho - it’s a system of (typically really rather long) TUNNELS, which are enclosed on all sides except the front and back. And if there aren’t doors for passenger surface entrances/egresses such can be retrofitted.

But I hate beer too, and there is NO fixing that crap.

I like that huge the penis-extender of a boat ended up back where it originated after getting stuck en route. There’s a certain poetry in that. :D

It’s this damn GPS-trusting generation, no doubt...

I have seen a few humps in my city in recent years that are shaped sort of like a square pita bread (if you can properly imagine that in your head - IE thicker in the middle, thin on the sides... :)), sized to fit entirely inside one lane, each placed in front of a pedestrian crossing, so not directly side by side.

Well they’re not doing the Ford Pinto “it’s cheaper to eat the lawsuits costs than to recall and fix the vehicles” thing.

No discrete motor per wheel EV have locking diffs - as they don’t have diffs to begin with... :P This includes the Rivian SUV/truck, GMC Hummer etc.

Omg, no. Jesus... The first trucks shown were hand-built mockups, based on Model S skateboards allegedly. Those prototypes didn’t have any of the then-claimed exoskeleton stuff or any of that, and quite a lot also changed from when vehicle was first shown off.

Getting Anton Yelchin vibes here...

Ok, that’s the most logical and rational response I’ve ever heard.

1 word: microplastics.

I wonder if that wonderful short story with the satyr that had turned into stone and was un-stoned for one night will make it into the new season...! lol