
Lol. Lobbing their own “edgy” alt-right insult back at them?  I don’t hate it...

Cuckservative really riles them up too 

Damn, where’s the spoiler warning on this article!

My thought took tied shoelaces to make Neymar fall down? I dont think so.....could have been a gentle breeze, or a defender in roughly the same area code.

Kind of suprised Neymar was able to get back up off the ground after the shoe-tieing prank. Would think he’d still be writhing around looking for a yellow card.

My dad had a vehicle where there’s a rail that comes up over your shoulder when the engine was turned off. He was the driver for 99.9% of all trips. Then we took a road trip.

We stopped at a convenience store and he wanted me to drive. He was holding a Big Gulp full of orange his right hand. I turned the car

Not all of it

They definitely can’t think it now that they have capitulated to using LIDAR and will need to take some time to install, test, learn, and put into production. 

Scrooge McDuck never messed up his companies.  Elon doesn’t even have the right to sniff Scrooge’s spats.

Let’s be clear, he had nothing to do with actually making the rockets or their ability to land other than paying the people who did the actual work.

Its not about them thinking it is or isn’t, its the fact they openly lie to make money that or their heads are so far up their own asses their are drinking their own Kool-Aid. Elizabeth Holmes straight up lied about what her company can do and she’s in jail for frauding investors among other things. When will Elon and

Elon absolutely amazes me for how he’s trashed his own reputation. He’s gone from being Tony Stark: “Yes, I can make rockets simultaneously land on their tails.”

I’m firmly in the anti-Elon club, but truth is truth. In this case, it’s not the safety that’s the issue. I’m not aware of any health risks associated with the degradation of the device’s connections, just a decrease in effectiveness.

That said, Elon deserves every bit of hate he gets. He’s earned it. Rational

That lawyer’s intentional ignorance of Branham’s suspended license should be enough to charge him of contempt of court and also bring his ability to practice law under review.

It’s also worth mentioning that this type of decision (allowable risk for advancement of medical solution candidates) is common. From the perspective of an auto forum it seems odd, but patients are extremely well informed of the exploratory nature of the science and associated unknowns. I actually take the timeline as

Neck-tat truck guy is from Indiana. Your assessment isn’t entirely wrong, but don’t put him on us!

Just to be clear I’m not even trying to apologize/minimize what Elon or Neuralink are doing, but it seems like there’s an awful lot of speculation in this case about what the risk really is without anything to substantiate it.

Thank you for asking for more context and nuance in a science-and-technology article. There are a couple people around here who will jump down your throat for even the slightest appearance of support for Elon Musk, but that’s just noise — we should be able to have adult conversations about these things instead of just

You are a fine example of why jurys and eye witnesses are garbage.

I keep seeing reference to this being a safety risk, but no where is it said what those risks are. At face level it appears to be a performance risk, but appears to pose little or limited health/safety risk to the patient.