
I’m not having any luck finding the name of it now. But probably 50 years ago, I read a short store about a time when objects like musical instruments were grown. They had bone structures and a brain of some sort. A squirrel brain for instance. The plot was about someone’s apartment that was covered with thick skin

If you post an article one day then post an article the next day saying the first one isn’t true does it count as 2 articles towards your quota?

But why? 

There was no feud. Apple was being its usual, jerkish self. It’s who they are. The EU nailed them big time for being a jerk when Apple ignored the international USB-C standard. Either comply with the international standard or lose your European market.

honestly, it’s about frigging time!

Charges against Assange were originally brought by Donald Trump’s DOJ, which is somewhat ironic given the fact that Assange’s leaks in the lead up to the 2016 election helped Trump win the White House.”

The issue is, they’ve raised prices faster than inflation and still expect people to tip. Not only are we expected to tip, it pops up automatically on the screen at 25%+, so we actively have to choose to screw over the cashier and look like an asshole if we want to change it. And that’s for pickup! Why am I tipping

The product also does not include a product guide, so you’ll need to somehow figure out how to use it.

Sadly this is what you get with a reactive system that looks to litigation in lieu of regulation to keep bad actors in check. Basically, do whatever the hell you want until someone holds you accountable in the court of law vs a more proactive system where the government (1) prioritizes its responsibility to

This is the inevitable result of the entire “no regulations” ideology. We’ve seen it before and been warned, but America just keeps doing it anyway.

Reminder: this is the same man that thought it was okay to livestream a public bathroom

Good. I’m tired of hearing his name.

Remember, it’s Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden that exposed the government’s amorality. It’s Assange who coordinated with Putin’s team of hackers to disrupt the 2016 election by selectively releasing DNC material, while withholding similar GOP material, and rejecting leaks that would expose the Russian government.

And the kicker, his own company going “We thought it was bullshit and then we talked to people and.... Anyways he doesn’t work here any more”:

Twitch be like:

Conservatives get a raging half chub when they see this kind of government control with no regulations, oversight, or accountability.

We just poison and kill our citizens in slower ways. 

Tim Cook: “Nobody’s buying our $4,000 VR headset. Let’s make a cheaper, stripped-down version that we can sell to everybody..... for $1,500 dollars.”

And they should be prosecuted. You should not be able to hide behind a corporation when you are willingly doing things to endanger the public. Cutting corners for profit on an object carrying people in the sky sounds like manslaughter at the very least

Shortly after Boeing took over McDonnell Douglas the Joke was that McDonnell convinced Boeing to let them take over Boeing with Boeing’s own money. Pretty much the case because in a short span the McDonnell bean counters who basically ran McDonnell into the ground were in control at Boeing and engineering was