
that multi-colored AI dinosaur art is crazy.

Now, a team of mathematicians say they’ve scaled up the shape into the third dimension...

It’s like people complaining about athletes taking a progressive political stance while going gaga over a stadium jacking off into the flag before every sportsball game

Clearly You are over your head here. I don’t think satire or irony are really within your wheelhouse. You don’t seem to have the self-awareness to comprehend the irony of your own comments. We’re all just laughing at you. I feel bad for you because it seems that you really want to like this show so bad but you realize

You are whining about a strawman argument and yet you are creating other strawman arguments. It seems that you’re just another one of these types that’s finally figuring it out after 5 years even though you say you’ve already figured it out. You haven’t.

They say, “I like him because he tells it like it is!”

During the retelling, when he had to come up with examples of words in the English, he ended up just naming the things right in front of him: “person, woman, man, camera, tv.” Someone with a working brain would’ve told the story more like, “I had to remember a list of words, like: pineapple, bison, silver....” But

The fact that so many people still loyally support this lying criminal nut of a con man is disturbing.

Yes, US card companies have one-time use card numbers linked to your real card, but you have to request the number each time. I doubt that it could be automated, so that should hinder bots trying to scrape a reservation system for popular slots. And if the restaurant went ahead with a charge to hold a reservation,

I have no doubt that the Trumpists will be claiming today that “clean fakes” is the actual phrase and always was, and using it as much as possible.

Maybe you’re overthinking this.

I mean, ‘nihilistic and hollow and not very bright’ ... what are the expectations from the comic book industry, anyhow?! This show is most definitely a comic book, which should not be equated with High Art. It still entertains and still has something to say, so it has value, but it’s not

At first, I thought the headline was a parody. But as I read the article it became steadily less funny and increasingly unnerving.

“He’s blaming it now on... AI. He’s saying... he doesn’t know what AI is, but that’s okay.”

Meanwhile Trump is waving to people that don’t exist whenever we leaves a building, gets off a plane, etc.

Those are a lot of words just to say you have been clinically diagnosed with media dyslexia, possibly media illiteracy or media blindness even?

Sun is getting real low. 

This is the same guy who claims he aced a “cognitive test,” but forgot the name of the doctor who administered it.

“You know what a clean fake is?” Trump continued. “They’re deceptively edited. They say they’re deceptively edited. All of the mistakes that he’s made every day. He can’t go anywhere without a mistake. Now, if I’m perfect, they say he made a mistake. He did. Perfect. I don’t say clean fakes, although they do. They do

Call me Pollyanna, but I’m pretty sure that NASA’s main concerns are crew safety and mission viability.  Boeing share price probably doesn’t figure in.  Even taking a more cynical look at it, NASA would care about its own image, which is going to take quite a hit if they get people killed through taking a chance on

Someone who’s still in the closet might not want the Grindr app showing on their phone. Someone who has periods might not want to reveal they have a period tracker app, lest the authorities think they got an abortion.