
He absolutely is talking about a family that isn’t your genetic family, that becomes your family through shared beliefs and values (not some kind of fanaticism, as you implied), which shorthanding to “found family” is more reasonable than your completely bizarre take that has the absolute rancid stench of evangelical t

Article title kind of misleads you about what the interesting part was; they figured out how to attach a freaking dGPU to a router.  LOL.  Getting Vice City to run on it was kind of the victory lap.

“Toxic divisions are tearing our families and our society apart. I want to help bring sanity and civility to the public discussion.”

so this guy was successful in getting a former employer to pay him unpaid royalties and now he’s outing himself as a supporter of a criminal organization headed by a guy who has a long history of not paying the people that do work for him

What makes me shake my head the most is that Conservative Politics have evolved and become emboldened to the point that they don’t really need the dog whistles and code anymore.

Marty...Homie, you don’t need to say “Traditional Families” anymore, you can just say “gay people are illegal,” your fellow Republicans

The irony with these chuds is they always seem to invoke Christianity and Jesus as the basis for their “family values”, and they get it completely wrong.

Yeah. Here’s the thing though: the signs were there for quite a while when it comes to Embracer. Many don’t seem to notice that a lot of industry executives are all out at war against the working class. The fact they can get away with laying off anyone they like for a gain means this practice will not only accelerate

i gave him a lot of credit for that massive SAG donation during the strike, too. 

Take your self righteous baloney elsewhere. Not all men think the same, just like not all women. Don’t hold a club over heads as a threat for intentions...even when people show love for one another, they get criticized.  

He doesn’t own Wal-Mart. And Wal-Mart doesn’t own their employees. Stop being a classist bootlicker. Fuck.

God this sucks, and is emblematic of the worst problems of the Compilation. Cloud being a rando who happened to be there when Sephiroth went crazy, as opposed to the ultimate warrior destined to take down Sephiroth, is absolutely crucial to his character.

You are also jumping to factless conclusions you gigantic idiot. Nobody cares about your arbitrary stats. Good for you if you have opinions on the subject, but stop trying (poorly) to seem remotely intelligent. “Look at all my meaningless paragraphs guys!”
Piss off.

What a truly bizarre, deeply bootlicker take.

Well, if they’re employees of a company selling his product their job is, in a sense, help this guy (and many other corporations) make money.”

Apparently when you gave Thanos the Time gem, you saw all other realities except this one...

It sucks being told by your boss that you are not working hard enough.
It sucks even more to be told that you are not working hard enough by someone who is not your boss.
It sucks more than both of those to be told by a rich celebrity that you are not working hard enough to personally make them more money.

I’m a human being who has worked retail, any moment you’re there you’re some level of annoyed and especially so when some self-important dickhead shows up to fuck up whatever you were in the middle of.

Do boots taste better the harder you lick them? Is that why you post things like this?

Stop posting already. 

Every single person he annoyed had something better to do than help him make more money.  Fuck this guy.