ahh I misunderstood the comment.
ahh I misunderstood the comment.
I’m disinclined to believe police when they claim their victims were resisting now.
Likely he was probationary at THIS department, probably after quietly resigning from or being fired by another department. Guessing that he likely has a long history of being a cop.
The guy who was being held without bail wasn’t the cop, it was the business owner of the place the cop crashed into. The cop wasn’t arrested for crashing into the building. He arrested the owner for yelling and cursing at him (“causing a disturbance”) and made up a felony assault charge that is not supported by…
End qualified immunity now.
Defang the gestapo.
Wonder why a 32 year old guy was on probationary/new hire status. Really wonder what department(s) he worked for prior. Also really wonder why he doesn’t work there any longer.
pigs gonna pig tbh but think about the culture in that police station if a PROBATIONARY officer, one not even allowed to do shit on their own, had the balls to try and pull this shit. That means the whole force likely is rotten to the core.
It’s not enough, but the prosecutor agreed to release Mr. Morris on his own recognizance this morning. The security cam footage posted on twitter shows they were likely driving too fast, came too close to a parked car and overcorrected. This story is such garbage and it’s high time SLMPD is held accountable for their…
So that drunk teen who crashed her car into the police station gets a $40 bail, and this guy is held without bond? ACAB is right. And I know the cops don’t set bail, but they do routinely lie about the circumstances of the incident to increase the chance of that denial.
Interesting, raising your voice is causing a disturbance but crashing your 5,500 pound SUV police cruiser through the front wall is apparently not.
Forgot to put the damn parking brake on 🙄
Saw a video of big SUV rolling with passengers thrown part way out, including through the sunroof, getting crushed as it rolled over them. They obviously weren’t wearing seatbelts but also didn’t get “thrown clear”, which anti-seatbelt people love to mention as if it’s a good thing; they would have died from head…
Not to be a hater, anyone can tour as long as they want to, but it’s so wild to me that everyone who wants to retire can’t, and everyone who *can* retire, won’t
BUT SUVs are big and heavy and tall, so they are SAFE for my family!
If this wasn’t some early 80's movie with Chevy Chase and Dan Akroyd it sure feels like it should have been.
What part of Florida..
Seems like they’re single-handedly making the case for raising the driving age.
Wait I’m sorry; did I read right this right that the reason they were in the one dude’s car is that the person who was supposed to give them a ride home also crashed?
Only bigots, dumb motherfuckers and bigoted dumb motherfuckers do care for him