
The reason this practice is commonly called “smurfing” comes from two Warcraft II players back in the ‘90s. They were so good at the game that when other players saw their usernames come up in matchmaking, they would often leave to avoid getting crushed.

Good riddance. Players who cheat in multiplayer games are the scum of the Earth. Thank you Gabe for telling them to pound sand in such an epic legendary way!

He can’t, he’s been banned from DOTA.

I have never once cheated, never abused a bug, never abused any sort of MMR tricks.” But the pro did admit to briefly buying an illicit third-party “behavior booster” to improve his score for in-game communication and staying positive and cordial. That’s a big no-no.

“I have never in my 13 years of playing Dota 2 ever done anything like this”

Nah, the statement on paper is contradicting itself. Only if you take intent of speech into account and sprinkle on some goodwill, it becomes somewhat coherent.

This guy had really high MMR so this profile they banned was probably his main acc. Thank you Gaben, people complained about smurfing since match making exists.

I have never once cheated

Fuck off cheaters, keep crying you bitches.

And why would police unions try to get rid of any but non-paying members, exactly? Each time they succeed at getting some scummy pig their job back, they’ve flexed their power at the public & shown them how easily concerns are pushed aside when the power of the cop union’s behind you. They have no good reason to ever

“I have never in my 13 years of playing Dota 2 ever done anything like this, and when I realized it felt wrong and was the wrong way to go about things, I stopped it, sadly you can’t undo a mistake you made,” he wrote. “I’m asking for a second chance, because I will never do anything like this again, and I never have

Mason: “So that’s it? After 13 years, so long, good luck?”

I watched this entire thing a few years ago.  Chilling.  Yeah, don’t say anything.  Ever.

Now playing

And never talk to the cops except through a lawyer. Doesn’t matter how innocent you are. If you doubt me just watch this video:

I hope he's never allowed to play again. Play stupid games

“I’m asking for a second chance”

Yeah smurfing is bullshit and should not be tolerated.

Ha this was EPIC. Glad to see it.  I know when I try to learn a complicated game, like DOTA 2, smurfs absolutely destoyed the new player experience.

Now playing

The bar keeps moving because these would have been 4-5 star results in the 80s and 90s.  I mean, you don’t even have passengers being partially/temporarily ejected from the vehicle.

Years of watching Tom & Jerry cartoons taught me that limburger is the smelliest cheese.