Y'all gon get held back a grade
Y'all gon get held back a grade
I believe it was Maurice Sendak of “Where the Wild Things Are” who said something like “When I first got a book, I would hold it in my hands, smell it, flip the pages to hear the sound, taste the pages, and the very last thing I would do is read it.”
First we can’t cook Steam Decks, and now we can’t sniff them? Whats next? No more sleeping with them? Where will it end?!
When we were kids sitting in the back of the car on the way home from GameStop, my brother would read the manual, and I would smell the case. Then we would trade. Now that I think about it that explains a lot about me.
Scott did the same thing on Alien. From Wiki:
That’s like extra-special meta level crazypants!
When I broke up with my first boyfriend he threatened to kill himself. He used my email account* to send me an email (from “myself”) to spin some fantastical story about how he almost did it. At the time I just wanted him out of my life so I didn’t push it, but our relationship was very emotionally abusive. Emotional…
they could quite easily have a morality clause, no? these are family films and they’re disney.
Fair, but have you seen your profile pic?
There’s a certain amount of narcissism we accept from people who openly state “I’m here to fix your problems. I’m the ONLY one who can!” Like most fanbases, Cults of Personality reign and people willingly accept all kinds of irrational behavior because they don’t want to admit to themselves or others they chose…
I guess we’re all a bit surprised to discover that a famous person who can get our attention and hold it is a narcissist. And, as with so many things, there are degrees (a spectrum, apparently). There aren’t many celebrities I would let my babysit my child, if I had one. He isn’t behaving any differently that Trump.…
After the text messages were read in court, the prosecution asked Jabbari why she initially said she didn’t know how she got her injuries. “I was scared of the consequences of it,” she told the court. “Still wanted to protect him I guess.”
And keep in mind, every bit of this is the stuff his lawyers DIDN’T think was so bad that no one should hear it.
It’s ‘Kanged’, ‘Kung’ is the uncertain franchise future tense.
Yes, it is. It isn’t even a *little* subtle.
Isn’t this like, textbook emotional abuse? The instant your partner seems to have a credible complaint about your behavior that someone might sympathise with, pivot immediately to suddenly crashing self-esteem and threats to kill yourself?
Billy Zane must wake up every morning, stare into the mirror and say “what the fuck happened, man?”
“Titanic put him in the upper stratosphere.”
Yes, entirely possible she was more known in the UK, but this is definitely talking US-centric.
I was 16 when Titanic came out and I had absolutely seen Romeo + Juliet and What’s Eating Gilbert Grape and knew that Leo had been on Growing Pains and so forth .... because I was a teenage girl! So I actually find it harder to believe that someone who was a teen girl in the 90s didn’t know anything about him.