
People are fucking stupid. It’s just a fact, they can’t differentiate between actors and their roles. Sometimes I really wonder if those people realize at all that fictional roles are FICTION, considering the way the dumbshits go on about what happens in a movie or TV show.

Even if he went there when the sign was on, if you gotta go you gotta go!

You know what else uses rare earth minerals? The device you typed your ill-conceived post into. What’s your solution to that then, do away with all of modern electronics and replace them with...what? Thermionic valves? Relays? lol

S0mething can be legal but still get you kicked off a platform, that doesn’t mean there’s any “grey” involved.

Holy crap... ITER was never intended to be a commercial project in the first place, it’s a pilot project to test viability of tokamaks for fusion energy generation. It’s not even going to be equipped with any steam generators, much less transformers or grid connections. It will dissipate all produced energy into the

Solar power doesn’t need a fucking uranium mine to function, though. Or fuel manufacturing and re-processing facilities. Or long-term high radioactive waste storage (good for hundreds of thousands of years - as if anyone could guarantee that.)

Yeah, nuclear energy is so cheap that energy corporations over here demand state subsidy support if they’re to build any new nuke plants... *facepalm* lol

It’s not senseless at all, stop whingeing.

Brown actually isn’t brown tho - it’s really just a very dark orange color. :P

Fun Fusion Facts:

Final cost of Finland’s latest nuke plant, a single reactor at like 1300MW, has been estimated at €11B (US$12B), or ~3x the original estimated cost.

the Chinese rocket capable of carrying 590 tons to orbit, while SpaceX’s two-stage reusable rocket can carry 605 tons

I’m impressed you think the Chinese bother with such things. :) They carried out this test only a few kilometers away from the city center of a city of more than 800,000 people. That doesn’t exactly scream “safety consciousness” to me at least...

I don’t think your contrived claim qualifies here.

If you were satirical, that’s my bad. lol

You know why. The news post specifically mentions why, if you somehow haven’t been able to keep up with the news.

It’s not been clearly established Amazon IS doing what you suggest.

I dunno, I just never cared much for “Blame Canada” myself. Ok, so it scores high on the social satire scale in the modified J. Evans Pritchard diagram, but on the composition scale it doesn’t do very well, it’s just not very musical, and mostly resembles a military march in structure (not surprising) so it’s not

No worries. :) Happens to us all.

I called you fool ONCE because you made a foolish statement - several replies ago. If you’re still butthurt over a rando on the internet calling you a fool days ago now, I suggest you log off back into the real world and just never come back again.