
Why are you typing in all caps at me? I never said they monitored anything at all; I’m replying to a guy who claimed it was illegal for them to monitor.

How can you stand it browsing on a phone...? You’re not born in this millennium, are you? :D Anyway, try VPNing from Scandinavia when you surf here - comparatively there’s hardly any ads at all.

Typically, executives don’t know shit. They’re cone-haired morons who think they’re awesome and know everything, except they really know jack and only got to where they were because of their greed and sociopathic desire for power (and/or connections.)

Since when was private equity a good thing?! Oh yeah that’s right - never.

Why would it be illegal for Twitch to monitor the messages in the system THEY built, running on THEIR hardware...? (Well, Amazon AWS really, so same shit different name.) You have no universal, iron-clad expectation of privacy on the internet at all.

I’m not angry at all, that’s just another weird take of yours. And it’s NOT all “he said she said” - Twitch has the messages. That’s why they bopped him. And again, it has nothing to do with illegality or not. Nobody said he sent nudes.

You seem more concerned with people getting to know that a 40-something-year-old weirdo sent sexually explicit messages to a minor, than the act of a 40-something-year-old weirdo sending sexually explicit messages to a minor.


That’s fair to point out. Yet planes do crash sometimes too, which is also something which should be pointed out.

The short livestream ended with him saying he was going on break and going to try something new.

It feels as if script bots are involved at this point, and they appear to be warring with one another. You can scroll down to some arbitrary point and be met by a haphazard jumble of ticked and empty boxes, with no visible activity at all. You start ticking boxes, and very quickly, someone/thing will untick your boxes

Oh come on now, it wasn’t THAT bad... How could you not like a movie with a giant mechanical spider in it at least a little bit?!

Fun fact thing: “Up there” is the only musical number in the movie without any naughty words/language whatsoever, and it is very positive and uplifting, yet “Blame Canada” was the one which was nominated for best song or whatever at the Oscars, and they had to re-write it because of the swearing, because “Up There” is

Speaking of wonderful trains, there’s this heart-warming graphic novel called “from within” by John Birgin, released back in the early-ish 1990s. Here’s a sample image:

The world your short story comes from sounds absolutely lovely! lol

Oh those dirty peasant Android lusers!”

Better AT THE TIME. It’s been seriously behind for many years now.

The egomaniacal sociopath keeps conning people out of money, and they give it eagerly. So nice to be a con-man, at least as long as the jig isn’t up...

This whole rebranding circus is like if the CEO motherfucker controlling Rolls-Royce bought up Skoda and then re-branded the resulting company as “Rolls-Skoda”, and then after some more circus nonsense, just “Skoda” (no offense, Skoda.)

Hey, don’t be such a negative nancy all the time, look at it from the bright side; at least it isn’t a river on fire, right?!