
Hellboy is officially concluded? This doesn’t include the BPRD spinoff, does it? Mignola seems to have had only a passing involvement in most of it as it was, from what I recall.

28 tons more than qualifies for the moniker “shitload”, I’d say...

Goes by the moniker “Dr. Disrespect” and dresses in a fake wig and sunglasses - nobody should be surprised by the guy being a giant dickhead.

What info could he possibly have given up that’s still relevant, having been a prisoner (self-inflicted or otherwise) since fucking 2012?

Julian Assange is a self-serving egomaniacal narcissist. He’s not a hero, not by any definition.

Will Elon Musk having 1000 kids and paying them $1 million/year create more resources on this planet? Obviously not. So him being a multi-billionaire matters fuckall, it’s just another example of how unequal and dysfunctional our society has become.

I’m not being emotional just because of a swear word, but you’re surely being a patronizing, holier-than-thou cunt right now. So lay off that, ok.

Make it out of fricken plastic. That would also make it lighter, so people don’t get headaches using that fuckin thing.

“Emotional response”, what a wonderfully patriarchal response, when it’s obvious that that capsule is unreliable, and NASA knows it. If all was cool, it would have gone back down already a couple weeks ago.

I didn’t say it was SOLVED, I said it’s not AS poignant now as it was in the ‘60s. Pay attention!

No of course not, but you do understand this is a principle thing, yes? Both because Elon clearly isn’t interested in being a dad to all the kids he’s pumping out, and also because if millions and millions of people start having 12 offspring (or maybe even more), then we WILL be in a lot of trouble - especially a few

Btw, I feel vindicated:

No, my point was, the helium valves are unreliable, and so are the thrusters. Nobody ever died in human space flight from an abundance of caution, while a whole bunch of people have died from neglect and/or overconfidence.

Depends on how you define “not overpopulated”. If you mean we aren’t all starving to death right now, you’re correct.

Fuck off with the islamophobia shit. Islam never went through anything like christianity’s reformation, this is fact, not phobia. It still has a bunch of strict practices that don’t make any sense whatsoever in a modern world (if they ever did) which most flavors of western christianity in particular abandoned in the

Honestly I think he’s simply letting his ego run rampant with little to no actual coherent thoughts behind it... :P Him allegedly asking some woman who works for him to have his babies signals to me that he’s doing it just because he thinks he can.

Do you have anything factual to add? No? - Yeah, that’s what I fuckin thought!

Are you certain anyone should be screaming?

Correction: turtles all the way down.

The explanation is that they’re a bunch of dumbshits. :D