
They landed two of the earliest prototypes, one of which was damaged and caught fire by a hard landing and blew up shortly after landing. The other ship landed successfully. But those were just simple test vehicles to evaluate the “bellyflop” airbrake maneuver.

Possibly. But, so what. I mean, seriously. What does it matter if the test prototype blows up? It’s not the finished design. It’s not even close to the finished design. It’s a work in progress, and they’re not going to recover these and shoot them off again. The purpose of these tests is to gather telemetry and gain

Not compared to SpaceX. They have tested hundreds of Raptor engines by now, a lot of them by running them until they blew up, to find all the common/dangerous failure modes of the design so they can improve safety, reliability and performance of the engine.

Sure, which is why Falcon 9 is the world’s most reliable rocket by far.

Oh yeah, this reminds me I gotta cancel that “max” shit. It’s only now coming to my country and they want to charge more money for what I used to have in the past. Fuck that, I can be without the crap they offer.

It’s because they’re self-flagellating amoral opportunistic masochists, with no ethics or empathy. Steve Bannon, Lindsay Lohan, Rafael Cruz and so on, all those people the Orange One has insulted countless times - they’re all psychopaths.

Gaffe? It could easily have been entirely intentional. Because, you know, fascists love Dump, and love seeing him as this heroic Great Leader that’s going to lead them to victory over the bolsheviks the woke legions of liberal arts college campuses the world over.

If you like what the nazi is tweeting xitting, that makes you a nazi too.

He said it himself, at some rally or other public event not terribly long ago. Maybe he repeats it often I don’t know (hearing his slovenly petulant whiny voice makes me want to throw up so I avoid him as much as I can); “I like people who like me” his voice boomed from the loudspeakers, and his entire personality

Except you can’t do that, because it’s illegal to deliberately imitate someone’s voice for commercial purposes without permission. You have a right to your own persona.

So even less of a barrier just discontinuing then. Fluorinated water + fluorinated mouthwash, floss, tooth paste, breath mint chews and so on can lead to stuff like discoloration of the teeth and more.

Drinking water should NOT be fluorinated - A: fluorine is NOT a component of tooth enamel, so you don’t need to INGEST fluorine to protect the teeth. Second, fluorine is overall a very reactive element and creates a lot of very destructive nasty stuff, and the tolerance of fluorine by the human body isn’t very high

They’ll need IR cameras, radars, ultrasonic sensors, the works. It was fucking stupid to think they could rely solely on cheap color camera sensors with their limited dynamic range, poor night-time performance and even worse in inclement weather. A camera-only self-driving Tesla would be completely useless in fog or a

Scrooge doesn’t even ruin things either... He wants his income to keep on coming, not just get a day-1 payoff, no matter how huge. :P

There’s probably shitloads of metallic nodules where these squid live. We should get some underwater mining going there, because there’s still some wildlife species left we haven’t exterminated yet.

Not initially. That was my point, it took until the third season until the show really took off and became a huge hit (they also switched out Maurice Hurley as showrunner in the 3rd season, and Roddenberry was also no longer involved on a daily basis I’ve heard say - which supposedly improved the quality.) Anyhow - if

Why don’t you eat shit and die, you bootlicking corporate fascist.

You don’t become a trillion-dollar company by being stupid by being fair.

The chip isn’t a dud (it still works, just less effectively than originally), stop the disrespectful hyperbole. What technology was perfect the first time it was tried? Particularly medical implants into the human body, much less the brain.

Dude, he would pout if he didn’t get to be Bond himself.