
You obviously don’t know what the F you’re talking about, blinded by Muskrat hatred. Sub-par satellites, what the fucking shit are you talking about? There’s no satellite internet hardware which is as capable as SpaceX’s starlink 2 mini satellites, with their communication laser crosslinks and now also cellular

If you knew just how much spray and salt you get on Swedish roads wintertime, you wouldn’t ask that question. :P

You should live in a country with underground power infrastructure, for so many reasons. Particularly anywhere there is frequent thunderstorms and/or tornados. Also - and more commonly - drunk drivers, etc...

I’m a pragmatist in most matters, spicy food included. If I can’t feel the taste of what I’m eating for the wildfire-like burning sensation on my lips, in my mouth and my throat - then why the hell am I bothering?

So sad that Samsung has nothing to respond with other than mockery.

??? Non-sequitur.

Idiots Believe Drinking Bird Flu Will Give Them ‘Immunity’

...That’s a mental image I really didn’t need in my head! lol

Well you can’t accuse any of the MAGAts of being smart... It’s like, they’re simultaneously convinced Joe Biden’s a doddering old fool AND a devious, devilish cheater capable of pulling off election cheating to the tune of 7+ million fake votes.

Nothing should give me more joy than fucking shortseller vampire profiteers getting ramrodded where it hurts them the absolute most (IE their pocketbooks), but unfortunately there’s also considerable overlap between these anti-short dudebro “stonks” types and fascist-adjacent incels/trumpistas.

Doesn’t everything turn into a documentary with enough drugs? :)

Maybe you knew this already, but Peasant TinyPecker is an odious and persistent amateurish trumpian troll that’s been at it for years, always reaching for the lowest common denominator and the ad hominem simultaneously, displaying its willingness to lie, as well as its rampant stupidity for all the internet to see.

You win the internet for today I think! lol A 50-foot yacht isn’t particularly rich though, it’s just mildly well-off really.

I hope every actor out there tells Tim Apple how exactly to go fuck himself, why should they subsidize a multi-trillion dollar global corporation’s streaming service? Apple has all the money in the world, or close to it, they’re not lacking anything.

Yes, well Star Trek TNG was a very very expensive show for its time, if Paramount had cancelled it after just one season they would have made a whopper of a big mistake, and deprived themselves of a tremendous success and unfathomable piles of money.

“BAAAAAWWWW you’re so mean to me so I’m gonna call you bad names! BAAAAWWWW!!!” loool I’m literally laughing at you and your stupidity and incompetence here.

Yeah, I know that he wants attention, but see how angry and frustrated I’ve made him? loool! This is what’s so hilarious with provoking these absolute morons, their limited intellect hobbles their ability to respond when someone is owning them. :)

100% an example of the kind of brainrot decades of far-right fearmongering leads to. I bet his kid could tell some stories about what living with this guy is like.

Pretty much, yeah. These protests are illogical and stupid, although I suspect they might be at least partly explained by the fascist Muskrat at the head of the company riling up these enviro-lunatics by his pure existence.

No. lol