
You’re the one who supports genocide with your Iran worshipping, liar. You have any idea how many people Iran is responsible for killing, with their and your support of global, international terrorism? Fuck you, you lying fucking fascist.

Apple makes significant financial investments and likely also engineering/R&D efforts as well into critical components like displays and chip manufacturing. It’s not like they just buy whatever’s available off the shelf and then put their Apple logo on it.

It’s not a fallacy if it’s true. Vast majority of Apple profits do come from hardware sales, only a tiny tiny minority comes from illegally targeted ads. Just look at their quarterly statements ffs.

Some pub that can accommodate a 2-something kilometer tall space being. ;) But, yeah, I was thinking the same thing about the dialect. It fits perfectly for Game of Thrones, it fit perfectly in Diablo 4 - not sure it’s such a perfect fit for Galactus, so I assume they’ll coach him to speak regular Murican like Thanos o

If you call your planet getting eaten from under you “bullshit”, then...yes. :)

Hey, deluded Iran-lover: only the Ayatollahs think you’re 100% right. Even the regular people of Iran hate you. The people of Iran wants freedom like we have in the west; only evil dimbulbs like you cheer for theocracy, terrorism and oppression. Fuck you.

These two jokers feel like the same kind of people who would tell a minority person who gets wrongfully hassled by cops to “just do what they tell you”.

Body metabolism also changes in response to weight drop, making you more resistant to losing weight a second time.

Alcohol is like liquid calories though.

If I was to write a smartphone app for an insulin pump, I would make it start one hell of a racket if the pump battery level drops too low.

Well, if she is, few deserved it more than her I’d say.

A dog, a goat, and two horses is the full headcount I believe.

Then let it burn.

Hm, I thought his family said they believe he did NOT commit suicide. Also, I believe he himself claimed he was not suicidal, and wanted to testify in the planned hearings.

Shitty woke platform: “BAAAWWWWWWWWW you’re so mean to my hero Elongated Muskrat; even though he’s a con-man you shouldn’t be allowed to say that!”

Now I’ll have to check and see if Amazon got the rights for nuBSG in Europe as well or not - Bezos had it some years back now and I was wanting to see the miniseries again in HD after years and years - I had bought the entire shebang on DVD because it was cheaper than Blu-Ray and I wasn’t sure back then if I was going

Really?! I loved (to hate!) Balthar, greatly so in fact. He was so wonderfully purely selfish and psychopathic, with his megalomania and compulsive lying, on top of being genuinely a genius type person. He was as far from Mr. Spock or any other traditionally “brainy” type SciFi character as you can get.

If that’s a street-legal car it won’t remain so for long, because the cats are gonna go buh-bye in short order running the engine that way...

Not really any more a nuclear bomb than a traditional nuclear reactor is a nuclear bomb... And fortunately, Boeing does not seem to be involved here from what I can decipher from the news post. :)

Apollo had RTGs? I don’t think so. AFAIK, Apollo missions had only traditional chemical batteries and oxygen-hydrogen-powered fuel cells for electricity generation.