
Legos made these days are extremely high precision and stick together quite well. You shouldn’t need glue.

You and me, Brother. You and me! :)

He could turn INTO a cybertruck, I suppose... :P

The problem with internet articles titled “fusion reactors not what they’re cracked up to be” is that they’re sensationalist shitty clickbait at best, and antiscience at worst. We have a crap tonne of money, resources and human efforts going into fusion reactor research right now, so yes, they are in fact what they’re

It’s the same thing. If you’re trying to be funny - don’t quit your day job. ;)

Thousands of nuclear physicists are already aware of all of this and have weighed all the factors to a degree and in ways that internet commenters simply cannot begin to approach.

You have to appreciate this nut sacrificing his health and safety to do this important testing for the rest of us though. Even though the Muskrat worshippers may be OK with the frunk breaking or possibly even chopping off smaller digits, the rest of the internet probably won’t (including whatever consumer protections

Only 3 functioning brain cells left I see, which shows why you return after THREE MONTHS only to spew this moronic non-sequitur, which undoubtedly makes total sense only in your own burnt-out husk of a head.

Social media ecosystem...? So the actual reason is NOT the tens of thousands of dead civilians, including five-figures number of dead kids, and severe starvation in northern Gaza.

Watched “Titanic” (in 4K/Dolby Vision/Dolby Atmos) just a few days ago, seeing the headline thus really creeped me out.

He watched Disney’s The Black Hole and had an ephiphany; why spend billions researching artificial intelligence, or pay human employee operators to stand off-camera, when you can just install a Natural Intelligence inside every Optimus unit.

I wonder why these gyros don’t use magnetic bearings. If they did, their lifetime would be essentially infinite due to no mechanical contact.


Eritrea somehow managed to score worse than fucking North Korea in the latest freedom of the press index, and ended up in LAST PLACE on Earth.

He bleeds plenty when Winter Soldier uses him for target practice inside the helicarrier in the same movie.

The internet wasn’t what it is today back then, but I’d still heard of Jar-Jar before I myself saw Phantom Menace, and noticed that a lot of people seemed to hate him - like, a lot.

Hoo boy the number of actual adults getting all worked up over female Starbuck or female Ghostbusters or, you know, anything else these fragile fucking snowflakes go berzerk over can scarcely be counted. It’s not just the kids, man. If anything I’d say it’s way more an adult thing to stalk and harass an actor online,

I’m totally not surprised. Another thing I would not trust is “soft-close” car doors. To me, these seem perfectly capable of chopping off fingers or anything else precious that might fit in a small gap like that - and if not adult fingers so then childrens’ fingers.

Yeah! That’s the thought that cracks me up every time I think of that most fortunate event, that and how much Dump must have raged afterwards over having been seen (on his favorite media, TV, no less) with TP hanging off of his shoe and nobody around him saying anything about it. lol!

If you want to see real examples of what AI can do, look at Nvidia’s yearly presentations. Their Omniverse software for example is pretty comprehensive and powerful.