
Better tripping up them than falling down them like Gerald Ford (was it?)...

Absolutely not my personal experience of Air France, but glad you made your flight! :)

There are doors on the right-hand side, of course. They’re used for evacuation purposes in case of an emergency. You’ll be glad of the right-hand doors if the entire left side of the plane is on fire, for example. ;P

I’m assuming this is a timelapse, as these features we’re seeing are so large that their speed of movement would be unrealistically high if it were realtime photography (or so I judge, from my own uneducated position... I could be wrong. lol)

You think they store MRSA there, or what?

Just have a decent shot of bleach in your vein if you feel like you’re coming down with this thing and you’ll be A-OK fine. The Great Orange Pumpkin Man said so.

Yes to all you just said, big heavy cars are bad for us all. In a parallel sidetrack, we’ve known since before the 1950s that cigarettes cause cancer and lots of other shit, yet a significant amount of the population still smokes. Even young people smoke, people who have been informed since childhood that smoking

To the Repuggers, nobody, regardless how horrific, with an (R) next to their name can be as bad as anyone with a (D) next to their name, regardless of how harmless they truly are.

We have to make the assumption that people are capable of making the choices that are best for them, that’s part of free society. Telling people that they’re clueless and buying “too much” car, that’s how you get populist fascists masquerading as politicians raising to power by propagandizing against the (often

Yeah, because willy-nilly layoffs was such a resounding success at Xitter... Jesus, Elon’s head is truly shorting out like crazy. When you begin to lay off technical staff critical to future success in a highly technical business just to satisfy short-term profit numbers you’re initiating a death spiral.

Yes, but you know, different strokes for different folks. (Says the EV fanatic that I am... ;)) Not everyone could manage with a subcompact. I have an old friend from my school years, he lives out in the boonies with wife + two kids who are now in their upper teens so fairly tall, the roads are bumpy and covered with

Ah, right. I wasn’t ready for you switching targets of interest; I blame the fact I’ve only had a few hours of sleep tonight. :P

I don’t know enough of Disney as a company to state a lot of intelligent opinions about that, really. :D Anyway, the ‘90s? I thought that decade was considered more like their renaissance years after a long period of slowly spiralling decline. They had beauty and the beast, lion king, aladdin, mulan and others that

I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that the post-Thanos movies just weren’t as good on average as the previous ones. I don’t think anything more really needs to be said about that, post-Thanos Marvel lacked cohesion and direction, and were thematically all over the place.

I had no idea who Thanos was either back then, when I first saw him I thought of him as a purple, kinda goofy-looking Darkseid-ripoff (which is basically how he started, from what I understand.)

If only everyone drove the same car you do.

[Citation needed]

Yeah, digital cameras are SO expensive! Wow. Also, better people get run over so we can have veeeery slightly cheaper cars!

Perhaps their small cars were bad, or simply unattractive.

No. We have thrown enough garbage into our oceans as it is.