
They’re all fucking starkers, the lot of ‘em. Some may be able to function better than others in everyday life, but all of these “sovereign” types have diseased minds. That’s why they do what they do and say what they say.

Not this guy. He’s obviously a narcissistic psychopath and lunatic, he needs to be locked up in a loonie bin and medicated, most likely for life. There’s like zero chance he’s ever going to be able to learn from his experiences because he’s convinced he’s the one who’s always right, and everybody else is by extension w

None of the people living in those countries deserve to have that shithead forced upon them. He’s your headache - you lot need to deal with him.

US gov’t: “Dats a nice web app ya gots dere! It’d be a shame if anything were to happen to it...”

Actors being given their characters’ costumes/gear seems to be a surprisingly rare phenomenon. Not sure why; oftentimes the garments are tailored for each actor, so don’t recycle all that well, and are also often iconic and recognizable, so wouldn’t fit another movie very well anyhow.

Nothing wrong with the build quality of Teslas made in Germany or China. Must just be you Murricans being lazy then, OR, quite possibly, this constant harping on Tesla build quality is just empty old hat.

Animated shit. Good riddance! I can’t stand modern animated shit, everything looks totally spazzed out and like it’s on a million doses of Ritalin.

I had a Twitch account for a while, and got Twitch drops for legendary guns in Destiny 2 which I dutifully claimed even though it was a long time since I stopped playing the game (FOMO shit, which I fucking hate.)

You’re welcome.

But with no Google Cast integration, this speaker doesn’t make a lot of sense in a Google-led household.

Creating, Splitting, Expanding - how did I know this fucker would be a goddamn slideshow?

What’s a human life worth? Seems that bit isn’t being factored in here.

Hell, even the original Monty Python TV show was super hit-and-miss. The stuff people remember today, like the Silly Walks, Wink-Wink Nudge-Nudge and whatnot was just the golden egg-type material. Much of the rest was either just ho-hum, weird and/or total dreck.

Yeah, fuck even the idea of paying for ads. I’m never going to do it, I’d rather live without any streaming shit at all than pay real money and still have to suffer ads.

Geordi was made chief season two. After that, I’m not sure. He couldn’t even get a girlfriend to stick around for more than one picnic at the holodeck, poor guy. The writers colluded against him! :P

Also, “Dr. Bashir, I presume”, where during development, Avery Brooks resisted at his character appearing in the episode due to the way black people were discriminated against during that time era, and his protest actually made it into the script of the show.

Donald Dump Charlie Sheen wedding gift. Look it up, if you don’t know the story already. ;)

Tiny dogshit hands, more like...

That’s SO weird. But, OK, there were turtles after all, apparently. :)

Also, the real-world War of the Roses, and stuff like that. Because we’ve always murdered each other for all kinds of reasons, and often no reason at all. Back in pre-civilization days, roughly one in every fifth humans who lived to adult age died because murdered by other humans. Basically, if you ran into a group of