
Fucking caption STILL says “jews from a...”

Does someone actually pay you to eat lead paint on a daily basis or something? Because only rarely have I ever encountered such stupid lying-ass dog motherfuckers as you.

Hahahaha! Google translate suggests something quite different, but your idea would make for a much MUCH better “B” movie! :DDD

All of your human dignity. And that’s more than enough.

Now try posting it in English, bud...

“Full on woke” - you don’t even know what the fuck that means. You have sadly fallen for extremist Reichwinger propaganda, which is kind of pathetic considering how transparent such is.

We’re not going to make Mars habitable. It has no magnetic field, it can’t hold on to an atmosphere even if we somehow could add one. We’ll mainly be living in underground facilities, same thing on the moon as well.

Gerrymandering, I suppose.

Policies have “costs”, yes, but not having those policies bring with them even bigger costs, as you’ll be footing your entire bill yourself rather than having it spread out amongst the overall population, and you likely can’t afford that - as evidenced in the US these days.

1: “Lightyear” is a measure of distance, not time. :)

Won’t these things catastrophically impede the massive flow of people through the NY subway system?

Now playing

Too late... This happened almost 34 years ago already.

Except, they do mix of course. Because water mixes with water.

Yes I know, but all they feel when I’m going at them pissed-off rottweiler style is agonizing pain. ;) They’re all such fucking stupid, clueless, talentless amateurs that it’s easy to just wear them down until they stop responding.

If you think the war is unwinnable for Ukraine, why would Russia accept a settlement? If they simply keep on grinding then they can - according to you - score a full victory eventually.

No, U!

Aww, someone made me ungrey, now I had to dismiss. Otherwise I could have engaged with it and had some fun... :(

I would actually call that the most uninteresting type of troll there is.

With the addition that if the sociopath moron buys any more, send those to the crusher too!

What’s wrong with good ole bananas? Yes well, wasting food - agreed there. But at least they bio-degrade, and there’s pop-culture history to be considered too.