
I burned mine to the ground when he let the nazis and the fascists back in. Fuck that guy, fuck his companies.

He also appears to wear pubic hair on his chin. I find that more concerning, tbh...

Don’t use “figurative speech” - use correct speech. Because nobody except you will understand that you think your speech is figurative, rather than just plain wrong. Why? Because nobody is a mind reader, and more importantly - a lot of people simply don’t understand that the debris of a satellite doesn’t fall out of

Why would “being political”, or being serious be a problem for a spy movie - or any movie in general for that matter. Justin Carter here is obviously too young to have watched any REAL spy movies (which James Bond or MI very much isn’t btw.)

Yeah fuck this, honestly. Take yer ads and show em right up your shitter, this is why I haven’t and never would buy shit hardware like Roku.

I think it’s turtles more abuse all the way down on this one, tbh...

Don’t give them any ideas. These galaxy-brain geniuses would never understand the sarcasm in your post...

Oh, sadly they’re quite serious...

How would they watch a DVD without eyes, tho? ;)

Hard pass on that kind of a lord thankyouverymuch.

You just turn off the fuel supply to the reaction chamber if there’s any issues. Besides, its overall dimensions are quite small, what’s the worst that could possibly happen? :P

One issue could be demagnetization, since permanent magnets lose their field if they heat up just a relatively small amount even in the best magnets (around 80C, as I recall...)

Electromagnets don’t REQUIRE superconductivity... The magnets at the JET tokamak aren’t superconductive and it still broke some record or other just the other year (again!) You just get a device with limited endurance, since the field coils would melt if you just keep pumping current through them. :)

It wasn’t?

He used to claim Tesla’s mission was to save the planet though, so the climate denial is some relatively new shit. Has he actually outright denied climate change though? I’ve not seen any such quotes, would be interesting to see him go full bore denial.

Thought process:

Indeed, although most people would probably agree that implanting oneself with a multitude of metal staples just for the sake of a movie role is taking the changing process not just one, but actually several steps too far...

So I did, what’s it to you anyway, fuckface? Fuckin passive-aggressive self-appointed internet conscience, go fuck yourself.

Well that sucks. I guess that fabled Hollywood accounting didn’t account for any extra money to the VFX company for all the additional work after all... :P

Hey, I’d eat more of that Tron goodness, given a chance. The Matrix too.