
To an 81-year-old piece of shit like this guy though, Black Panther 2 probably looked and felt like an all-black cast...

Damn, I wish that was true.

It kind of is sustainable, because each fish lays shittonnes of eggs. But it’s still brutal as hell. Jesus... Those poor salmon, why do they have to be so delicious?! ;D

I just didn’t have the energy to go into research mode, that’s all. I’m only a guy on the internet, I’m not Google. I don’t have infinite resources, or patience. Take anything I say for whatever it’s worth - IE nothing.

That’d been the cherry on the shit cake. I don’t remember if that’s true, but some tingling in the mess of neurons masquerading as my brain says it might well be... :P

You’d think people would learn at some point not to get into business with Dump; they should KNOW by now he’ll just stab them in the back eventually...

The 77,000 fish that made it into Lookingglass Creek will likely return there and produce approximately 350-700 additional adults.

The stories of tortured VFX workers who had to slave away for 12+ hour work days allegedly without pay in order to finish the redesigned movie speaks against that being the case I would think. :)

“It’s most of what I think about each day. I’m haunted, every day, by what was lost. I never intended to hurt anyone or take anyone’s money.”

Don’t you just love free enterprise so say. The enterprising is free; everything else costs money... :P

Hah! Indeed.

Tim Apple’s facehugger abomination is clearly a $3000+ solution looking for a problem. I’ve got serious doubts they can throw sufficient quantities of crap at the wall that enough of it sticks to make the facehugger a viable mass-market product.

That’s not at all how it happened matey, and you should have understood that yourself - not least because Google just got bitchslapped by a bunch of private citizens suing them and voluntarily agreed to change their ways.

Ok here comes the corporate bootlicker jumping to defend the trillion-dollar multinational conglomerate.

It’s outright criminal Apple still isn’t supporting RCS (and deliberately so!), and won’t for almost another six months.

From what I gather reading that wiki page, Ea-nāṣir appears to be an early ancestor of Donald J. Drumpf, repeatedly scamming people by delivering bad copper or no copper at all, and treating people rudely... :P

The world isn’t going to end.

A simulation? REALLY?!

Not technically a “whoah”, but if it was, it’d surely be the most ridiculous one ever:

Jesus fucking christ, that slogan was never in common use, EVER. The words “wireless fidelity” have also never been in common use, EVER. This thing is a non-thing.