
Yo! Please PLEASE tell the fucking Herb that this site is supposed to be about technology news and reviews, not fucking how-to guides. That’s not why people come here.

Well the thing is that people DID talk like that, and the expression therefore exists. Whereas “wireless fidelity” never existed.

What you describe seems to be absolutely the opposite situation of what we have here... His Masters Voice is an actual expression, but try asking a computer store salesperson for some “wireless fidelity” equipment for your computer and you’ll be met with a lot of blank stares I can assure you.

There’s solutions to that as well. There’s solutions to everything, if there’s a will, there’s a way.

So it wasn’t enough to break the legs off of the gingerbread guy in the first movie (oops spoiler alert), now we gotta dissolve him too? Have some humanity, people, and DON’T buy these ridiculous junky products.

Wi-Fi doesn’t mean mean “wireless fidelity” since there’s no such actual term, and those words put together don’t even make sense in the first place. It’s just a trademark, and that’s it. It’s a riff on Hi-Fi, and nothing more.

Judging from your past comments, you seem to have some weird hangup on pediatric sex change operations, which makes my troll-o-meter start pinging greatly.

Amazon financed and proudly hosts one of the goriest, grossest TV shows ever made (The Boys, and I assume, its follow-up/s, which I haven’t seen), including the infamous man-strangling pythonesque penis-snake scene, but some real-world butts and boobs freak executives out?

The motor he cares for is also the size of a three-story building... :P

The internet desperately needs a bar, like those you find at the entrances of amusement park rides - but instead of saying “you need to be this high to get on this ride”, the internet bar should say “you need to be this smart to get on the internet”.

lol “The most ‘as one’ with your car” - considering Jalop’s usual bunch of readers, that would be ALL OF THEM, pretty much. lol! :)

Peter Thiel. Wonderful guy, that one... (Well he IS German, after all. lol)

Repuggers lie. That’s all they do.

This is shitty Repugger conservatards in a nutshell: stealing is only stealing when the little guy commits it. When a (supposedly, anyway) Richie Rich commits it, it’s a “victimless crime”, which “nobody ever has been prosecuted for”.

One wonders if it’s deliberate, for tax writeoff purposes, or if it’s just out of sheer incompetence. It’d actually be preferable if it was the latter, sadly.

It’s not so unclear when you consider that escort tugs would incur a financial penalty, and as we all know, money >>>> everything else... :/

Weird that there’s no emergency power systems for bridge/navigation, rudder, bow thrusters at least. Seems a very fragile setup for so much tonnage on the move...

I haven’t seen any reports of this ship being on fire. Maybe you mistook the smoke from the main engines starting back up after the power outage for fire smoke?

One could have built these concrete buttress things or whatever they’re called ahead of the bridge support pillars for the ship to run aground onto.

I don’t think the conspiracists are stoppable anymore at this point. That shit has taken on a life of its own.