
Why were you outside shooting video of the sky and power lines if the “UFO” (hah!) only appears at the very end? Have you considered the sheer improbability of you stumbling over a “UFO” showing up randomly like that just when you happen to be pointing a camera at the sky?

8? Wow. Well that would probably explain it, “too many cooks” syndrome have ruined a lot of movies.

To be clear: There’s no evidence that Slerf is a scam and, from a certain perspective, it’s doing what it’s supposed to do—which is generate market value via buzzy FOMO.

lol I’d blame it primarily on the whomever who wrote it, but director would necessarily have to share some of the blame I think, seeing as how they’re so involved with a movie’s creation.

Yes there’s no way you could ever use your in-game abilities against computer-controlled enemies... Noooooo way.

Before or after Hollywood accounting, tho? :)

That HAS happened on a number of occasions already... Of course, the cop getting beat on typically has been black though, so they still need to work on that I say. :P

I’d have played it if it had been a real game and not some aborted half-measure they didn’t even advertise to players.

Overwatch is only a PvP game because the “Titan” MMO failed spectacularly during development, and they needed an emergency backup plan in order to not lose years and years of work completely down the tubes. There’s nothing that says it can only be a PvP game forever and ever.

You use the mug for a few years, hopefully more, it goes in the garbage - what happens to the lead then? You don’t know.

Lead has no safe lower limit, it is toxic to the human body at any level, and is particularly toxic to the central nervous system, and especially children. Really should tell you everything you need to know about lead, and whether it should be present inside any type of consumer goods.

Nah. Fuck charles. Let him be just a tampon for the rest of his unnatural life, that’ll be quite alright.

Oh, I didn’t know it did so poorly. Not sure why, it’s a beautiful movie, and I liked the story a lot as well.

Hi, Elon!

“The GQP; party of crooks!”

Thanks for proving again just how unbelievably stupid you sycophants really are.

Not everyone is an expert on everything, you know. What you just mentioned can only rightly be categorized as esotheric knowledge, it seems unfair to attack random people for not knowing this.

Kinda far to Jupiter tho, isn’t it? Takes a couple years or so to get there one way with current tech. Then there’s the matter of the magnetic field which generates radiation belts around the planet that fries electronics and kills people in double-quick time. Plus, the gravity. Almost 60km/s escape velocity, so good

Ground control will never be able to keep themselves from laughing, hearing all those squeaky voices from the crew.

I believe JET has run recently at net positive power levels, just not at a continuous basis (because it’s not built for that; its magnets would melt if you tried...)