
Looking forward to it. :)

Nah, just me being lazy. I had a little bird whispering me he’d died, but I’ve had so many false memories of people dying who actually aren’t dead yet (or weren’t at that time) that I wasn’t sure (hence the disclaimer.)

Madoff is still wearing orange as far as I know, unless he died during the pandemic or something like that.

...And the damn movie wasn’t even particularly good either.

Whatever fucking point is that you’re trying to make? You’re saying young people should career suicide right on their very first movie - because why, exactly? You’re making no sense whatsoever.

You know, this is why I fucking hate comments sections, and humanity as a whole even more - because of people who instead of listening to the message of what someone said instead go off on a tangent taking cheap shots at the way they said whatever they said.

Ah. I get it now, it’s a wallet case, of course - I’m such a dummy. First I thought that slot you see in the header picture was a circuit board edge connector, like you could slot your entire iPhone into a NES and play every game ever made for it. lol (“That’d be a pretty sweet thing tho!”, says the nerd in me.)

I’m just wondering what sort of evidence I’m supposed to show you of things that haven’t happened yet. *eyeroll*

Ah, right, THOSE people... I should have known.

Hokay. You should borrow/steal (steal’s better) Jim Cramer’s soundboard and load it up with all the bear sounds in the known universe, then call up every Nvidia stock owner and inform them of your opinions whilst banging keys on said soundboard.

It’s not just about what Winnie the Pooh can glean from dance videos posted by our youths (as if that’s all being put up there), it’s also just as much what kind of material is presented to viewers.

I don’t buy your argument that it’d be the same as not handing you money to start a newspaper. XiTock is a thing that already exists, nobody’s asking the US gov’t for money to start it up.

The what people? I haven’t the faintest - should I be thankful for that?

Aye! Personally I “like” Tesla - I mean, I don’t own one of their cars (or any car for that matter), and I don’t own any stock. They’re doing a lot for the electrification of the planet, being the largest western EV manufacturer by far, but Elon the fascist and large circle of vitriolic and increasingly far

Well, if you say so, and I’ll feel somewhat comforted. Shotwell is doing a good job with SpaceX, it’s the stuff like Elon fucking with Ukraine via Starlink and such that really worries me. He still seems to have influence there, strangling bandwidth to Ukrainian army terminals while allowing Russki army to use their

Whatever. I can’t be bothered, nothing I could possibly say would meet your impossible standards of criteria since you’ve already made up your mind on the subject.

I don’t want to argue with Indiana Jones-style handling of nazi shits as such - it’s just that in today’s media climate where everybody has cameras with them, hitting nazis just tends to give them more media attention. Which they invariably use to bitch, whine and cry endlessly about how mean the nasty bad criminal lef

What a rollercoaster ride! Booster lasting up until it hit the cloud layer and then appeared to start wobbling/tumbling and likely RUDed, what a crazy view that was though as it was falling! Woow! :D

We’re at a point where SpaceX would be much better served by Muskrat being separated from the company. He’s deliberately erratic and divisive - some would probably go as far as calling him corrosive.

On what evidence? lol Did you even read my post? Evidence is the development curve of technological progress. If you said in the 1980s you could have a supercomputer in your pocket, with a cinema-quality screen, multiple digital RF radios, sensors, cameras, mics, speakers, all kinds of whiz-bang features and all-day