
I love how this garbage individual thinks and believes that everyone (other than himself, naturally) identify themselves with and through their job only. Like they don’t have an existence worth talking about at all outside of work.

Don’t misunderestimate the urge of far rightwingers to saw into the branch they themselves are sitting on, if it means that people they hate will (maybe) crash to the ground just a little bit quicker than they do...

This is the early days. You didn’t really think the humble Game&Watch would be the end-all be-all of hand-held computer gaming forever back in the first half of the 1980s now did you?

...Says Elon Musk! Say, don’t you have a rocket to launch today, or something? ;)

I can imagine citizens of Paris being a miserable bunch of fucking people. Back in the mid-90s I visited the city with my parents, we stayed for about a week, and one day I visited the Louvre art museum by myself, while my mother wanted to walk along the champs d’elysees or whatsitscalled and look at all the luxury

That quote is just way too long to fit on a T-shirt. You could print it of course, but the large amount of text (leading to a small typeface being required), combined with wrinkles in the fabric would make it nigh unreadable at anything but arms’ length distance... :P

Don’t knock his paintings. If only he’d been accepted to that art school, maybe the world could have been spared ~80 million deaths and untold suffering.

lol Look at the fascist bootlicker trying to string a sentence together.

Not sure Muskrat’s security clearance is involved - he already did the interview after firing Lemon. Cat’s already out of the bag if he admitted to recreational Ketamine use for example, firing Lemon would make no difference.

Dude, you don’t understand (or deliberately don’t want to). He describes HIMSELF as a “free speech absolutist”, it has nothing to do with any laws of the US. He has SAID he thinks any topic or type of language should be allowed for discussion, then invited all the previously banned fascists and nazis back to Xitter.

Scent of “human extertion”? Well, at least that’s half a step up from human excretion...

Hitler - famously a man not particularly tall, and not blonde at all. Such aryan! So master race! lol

I’m as firmly against capital punishment as you can possibly get, but people who prey on the old, or sick, injured or the helpless should just be fucking culled from the herd. No ifs, no buts. They should all get a rifle squad with a live round in every gun, and then an unmarked grave out in the wilderness somewhere.

I’m sort of curious what this guy considers a “pretty good” Hitler one-liner, worthy of being put on a T-shirt. On the other hand, I’m not really sure I want to know either...

You still have editors?! O_o

Repuggers probably see what you just wrote as a compliment. “Those devil-worshipping witches got what they had coming!”, like.

Hope this Yarbrough piece of shit has a warchest of 84 million dollars squirreled away in case of any defamation lawsuit losses (which I hope is something that happens soon.)

If they had a metal tip on the bottom of their fireman’s axe handles they could just stab the handle like a spear at the glass and it would break.

Have you ever seen Ron DeSatan try to smile? Pure psychopath-trying-to-imitate-the-Humans-and-failing-badly. There’s video compilations of his weirdo mouth and tongue movements, really frightening honestly. Like he’s a “V” lizard masquerading in a Humie suit or something.

Every Falcon 9 first stage landing has succeeded since SpaceX perfected self-landing, so they’re obviously very skilled at this stage to guide their rockets back to the landing pad with high precision. Starship/Booster will also be capable of hovering - which Falcon 9 cannot do as its minimum thrust level is greater