
Pretty bold to try to auction off a very well-known artefact also very well known to have been stolen. Surely not so bold as where noone has gone before, but still pretty damn bold. Some might even call this sort of behavior Ferengi-like...

Who had it? Someone who doesn’t want to incriminate themselves, I assume. ;) Maybe even someone who died - after all, it’s been a while now since TNG ended...

A lot is gonna hinge on the gun, and potentially also the killing bullet I’m thinking. If the gun was registered to the guy, it’s going to be hard to argue that it was anything but self-inflicted. Not impossible of course, but it would seem a lot less likely. The murderer would need to get hold of the weapon somehow

IQ doesn’t measure intelligence though, just your ability to solve IQ tests.

Narcissistic attention whore gonna attention whore...

Bail is a shit system because it is money based - if you got the cash you get to go free. If you’re one of the poors - too bad, sucks to be you. HAHAHAHA!

Good. Even though actual risk to one’s person is likely microscopic, there’s still no reason to financially reward their stinky behavior...

Hotel keycard thickness” isn’t some nailed-down standard or international specification. One keycard likely differs compared to another - and they’re also made using soft materials that may wear with use - so using them means you now have flexible tolerances during assembly - probably not a good thing.

Oh for fuck’s sake, someone please lock this horrific violent criminal psychopath UP - friggin hell why is this vaguely man-shaped piece of shit allowed to roam freely? So he can plot another escape attempt and be more successful at it the second time? Wtf!

It’s not exactly clear he WAS assassinated, so I can’t really answer that. :)

He was set to testify more, as the news post explains up above there.

Europeans seem to still be fucked when it comes to digital releases of these movies. 4K Aliens still isn’t released, no Abyss at all, no 4K extended cut of Avatar...

Yeah, I’d like to, but I’m not buying a shitty old Switch just to play it. They’ll have to release some NEW hardware, that’s designed in THIS decade at least.

Oh, only a 10-slide slideshow. It could very easily have been 55+ slides in this one... :P

WWII didn’t last for 32 years tho. And a ~1km runway would need an awful lot of those steel metal panels, that’s a lot of weight and bulk and cost. Gravel and locally sourced salt from the ocean seems cheaper to me. And simpler, you have about the world’s longest supply line to down there so less = more I would think.

Least realistic thing about “The Thing”?

If you’re making a dozen complaints, two dozen complaints OR MORE per day, every day, year round, then it’s no longer NIMBYism. It passed the NIMBYism stage long long long long ago, and is instead - very very obviously - severe mental illness.

Holy fucking crap, someone stop this monster please before it’s too late!

Shyguys also premiered in SMB2 as I recall. And that egg-barfing bird thing whatsitscalled too...

Holy crap... Has it really been that long! Well, I’m not buying another Nintendo console unless they A: make it 4K compatible, and B: release Metroid Prime 4 for it.