
Slot machines, at least in the past - I don’t know about nowadays, but I see virtually no reason anything should have changed - ran on simple 8-bit microcontrollers. They were self-contained and had very little to do, other than the rules of the game (which are also simple), it was just managing some buttons and

I thought they said they were going to make another Metroid Prime game. How fucking LONG ago was that now...? Half a decade at least is what I’m thinking. Wasn’t the announcement before the Switch even released?

Of course, if you drive like a complete lunatic you have to stop to charge after much less than 260 miles, so maybe that could blunt their worst behaviors...?

You have exactly ONE post under your belt - and that is this one right here. Lemme make a wild guess and speculate that the post you think was deleted by the author (might not be true!) used excessively colorful language and and was generally nasty and rude.

When was an ice-free arctic EVER “promised” by 2015? Seems you’re either taking something out of context (deliberately or otherwise), or you’re just making some shit up.

Remember that time Dumpy wanted to build a new FBI HQ (this was back when he still liked the FBI it seems) near one of his hotels - even though the FBI already had a quite new HQ - so that visitors would be enticed to book rooms at said hotel?

Exsqueeze me, but the correct description of Humans is “ugly bags of mostly water.

Once you detect bad traffic coming from another address, just ban it/them. There’s probably automated systems that can do that for large border routers used by major corporations and stuff.

It’s over 3000 pieces. $.10/piece is fairly standard Lego fare - because of materials requirements, manufacturing tolerances, quality control etc.

I don’t know what kind of stuff you get in the US, but EU consumer/home use heatpump dryers are very energy efficient and do a good job. We have some of the strictest regulations for consumer goods in the world, after all, so you can’t sell whatever kind of garbage over here.

444,000 civilian Ukrainian men, women and children maybe. Including those kidnapped and taken back to Russia.

Starlink terminals have been spotted many many times in the field in the occupied territories of Ukraine (and even on vehicles I believe), so the Russkies are definitely using them. Why else would they be dragging them around, just for fun? That’s not how armies work.

There’s not too much splitting hairs with international sanctions laws, or else they’d become completely pointless. They were written with bad actors in mind who love to try and find loopholes.


I was quite late at exploring Dragonball, I’d seen the tiny manga volumes at the local comic shops since the mid-90s but never really wanted to try exploring them, western superhero shit always won out the struggle for whatever leftover money I had for buying comic books. Even after carefully dipping my tippytoes into

lol You ask if I’m 5 after posting a literal copycat response to me? You obviously haven’t a clue how stupid that makes you. Sorry, shitstain, you’re still just an emotionally stunted sociopath who can’t relate to real human beings. Nothing you say has any value whatsoever, and all of your attempts at insults are

As someone who remembers Tyson from back in his glory days, this Paul asshat would have been totally annihilated. Tyson was a genuine BEAST back then - all up until the moment he started speaking, of course. ;)

You seem to have forgotten to take your brain out of that glass of water you keep it in overnight and put it back inside your skull this morning, because nothing of what you just barfed made the least bit of sense.

AAAAHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Is that supposed to be some kind of insult? lol!

You seem to have some kind of a hangup, or kink for clowns. I hope it’s nothing contagious! lol