
That’s because the main attraction is still on. If he goes, the tail will want to glom onto something, anything, that’s reasonably similar to him. It’ll be DeSatan before it becomes Haley though, because these people think women are inferior to men. So it won’t be just anyone.

People call the incel Trumpistas fascists, because that’s what they are.

This is not a “both sides” kind of thing. Stop being a fool.

OMG won’t someone please think of the poor fascists and nazis!

There always have to be a shitstain like you in these threads, sadly it seems unavoidable. Unfortunately for you pally, human society wasn’t built to cater to sociopaths, so why don’t you do us all a favor and like, emigrate to Mars with your buddy Elongated Muskrat, “or something”.

I’ve never felt any pity for any of those bullying, bigoted pieces of fucking shit, and I never will. Human beings I feel pity for, and animals I feel pity for, but not these creatures.

Older men rounding up angry young teens/boys and twisting them into bigots is unfortunately nothing new... :( It’s a pretty standard theme on the extreme far right, explored in the movie American History X for example, back in the 1990s.

Straight-up Goebbels Nazi Germany-style propaganda.

It was a deliberate ratfuck orchestrated by pond scum fascist demagogues on the extreme right. You don’t have to play into their hands if you don’t want to. Continue to be proudly woke. :)

Dude, get bent, alright. Lesbian characters don’t have to justify their existence to you, narratively or otherwise. Eff that effing noise.

The truly disgusting thing is how they can make it easy to agree, difficult to not agree, take away features if you don’t agree, and ASSUME YOU AGREED if you don’t send them a letter within 30 days saying you don’t.

Wow the stone washed jeans! :D

I have an excellent water saving throne in my newly renovated apartment, one flush only needed. Build them smarter - not larger! Especially as you guys seem to be running out of water almost everywhere over there.

City driving at 55? lol Where on earth is that possible?

Wow, you got things all figured out just by pulling shit out of your rear end! If only we let you fix ALL the world’s problems the same way! *rolleyes*

The EU is busy mandating repairability and reasonably priced spare parts for consumer goods for a decent number of years after release. If we can do it - so can you. It’s a willpower thing - or maybe politicians not being completely beholden to oligarchical corporate interests...

Not true. we have Miele heatpump ventless dryers in the common laundry rooms in my apartment complex and they dry your clothes in about 40-50 minutes or so, even a bigass load. They’re actually way MORE efficient than venting dryers since they recirculate a lot of the heat, so you’re not constantly burning electricity

EVs “pay themselves off” environmentally in a few years, when driving average distances per year; it takes a couple years longer if charged exclusively on coal power but it’s still pretty quick due to vastly higher efficiency compared to gassers. Correspondingly, it goes faster if charging on renewable power.

Also, his solution to fixing divisions in society was to join the #1 rift-tearing party (also #:s 2, 3, 4, 5...), and promise to vote again for the most divisive preznitch there ever was by a ginormous margin.

Far right demagogues in the US have been preaching ever since Reagan that the US gov’t is dysfunctional and can’t get anything done (hell, Reagan himself was instrumental in starting that trend from what I understand.) And to show the truth of that, they deliberately sabotage said government as well.