
Inflation isn’t inherently a bad thing. Without it you’d go into deflation instead, which would hamstring economic growth as you wouldn’t need to invest and take any risks to get richer. You could just play it safe and stick all your money in your mattress and wait for it to grow on its own. (Unless your house burns

Not really. Repuggers do pants-on-head crazy spending, then blame everything on the Dems, Dems work debt down, work deficits down, then Repuggers claim credit for it, put pants on head all over again next time they’re elected.

More debt added than all other previous Prez’s all added together as well. Kind of Dump in a nutshell isn’t it? And they want him back?! Which is FUCKIN LOL.

Basically the same thing that happened with the xenophobic white trash Brexit crowd in the UK as well. “We need to protect ourselves from the continental hordes!”, they yelled. “And Brussels stealing all our money!”

I think all you’re proving with your ever-lengthier diatrabes is that religion is a big bunch of (not seldomly dangerous) outdated bullshit. Give it a rest, eh?

It only seems that way to you because you’ve never lived with a functioning government. Try out western Europe for a while first before bashing it, k?

Yeah, people are complete fucking idiots. Just look at all the retards falling over themselves to vote again for a failed cheat, liar, traitor, fraud and rapist.

The feature is turned on automatically for all users, who must go to their settings to manually turn it off.

That’s not the same logic at all. Please engage brain before typing.

No. That’s not how the laws of the land work.

First off, I thought “Offutt” was what you uttered after walking into a bollard or something like that. lol

How should I have been able to figure out this would be yet another fucking slideshow bullshit piece of shit fake article? Answer: it says “7" in the headline.

Yeah, he’s literally just one year older than me. My one, lone hope is he snorts enough drugs to fry his own brain.

Taxing alcohol or reducing the number of sales points is not the same as banning it. Please, stop exaggerating, it’s so snowflakey.

If a thing achieves human-level consciousness, it is by definition a person. However, computer AIs cannot do this. Why? Because. I can’t explain it to you because I’m not an expert on computer AI, they just can’t. They don’t have the capacity to, and they’re not engineered to either. They have no capacity to think or

Trump propagandizes to the masses; he doesn’t hold personal conversations with his moron fans. This thing responds to what you type to it - which is the problem when it names itself after a fictional psychopath and tells people to off themselves.

Even if the guy did try to bait the damn thing, if it can be so easily baited into becoming a psychopathic online troll telling people maybe they should kill themselves, maybe this “AI” “tool” shouldn’t exist at all.

Yes, because this guy is the only person ever trying to confuse the AI, and always will be!

Sarcasm? Seems that way to me.

That’s a poor take. “Bad people” cannot communicate with potentially millions of internet users like this damn thing can. Also, “Since A, B, and C are bad, adding D which is also bad is therefore not a problem” is not valid logic.