
“You can buy another brand of smartphone” isn’t a valid defense against anticompetitive behavior.

You misunderstand; according to Apple’s shitty rules, Spotify can’t inform people of cheaper subscription methods inside their own app. Apple doesn’t own THAT now do they?

What does it matter if it’s off the shelf hardware or not? That’s like, the most irrelevant distraction ever. Nearly everything is off the shelf hardware, very few manufacturers actually design their own chips these days, because it’s just not worth the bother for what they’re going to do with them. Even smartphone

Well that’s crazy.

Whitepapers aren’t peer reviewed scientific reports though (you can write whatever you like in a whitepaper, and most of them are 100% advertisements for the product in question), so at least from the info you’ve given so far it does smell a lot like self promotion tbh.

Dodson originally worked as a radio producer before stepping into voice acting in 1983 as Salacious B. Crumb

These people obviously have shit for brains and don’t understand anything, not a single fucking thing. It’s debatable whether they even know how to tie their own shoelaces. Really, they’re at a pants-on-head moronity level.

40-something years after leaded gas was banned here in the west, I was hoping average intelligence would be rising, but it seems to be dropping precipitously instead. I strongly suggest we start seeking the cause of it, before we’re destroyed as an intelligent (supposedly, anyway *eyeroll*) species, and no longer

First off, you sound very angry. Second, this thing is like, an extensive set of burglary tools sold under a “lock testing equipment” type name. Super iffy.

Yes how dare they try to keep you from killing yourself and others.

Lockdowns = less physical interactions between people = slower transmission speed of the disease = fewer people infected = fewer people needing hospitalization = less pressure on healthcare system, fewer healthcare personnel infected = fewer people killed.

How come that fucking AI can get the number of fingers/claws on the hands/paws of an imaginary creature right, but it can’t get human hands right with all the billions and billions of people and their hands to learn from?

Well I’m telling ya, I’m just gonna risk it with the mashed potatoes from here on out, because I’m never giving those up. ;)

Oh, for sure! He did it in an interesting way though, I thought. Sadly there doesn’t seem to be any moves towards a followup, the story kind of was left hanging there, as I recall. As if they were going to make a sequel, but that obviously didn’t happen.

Thanks for the headsup. I generally don’t watch depressing movies, they’re so...depressing. :P

Well, we have Big Daddy EU over here with regulations regarding stuff like that, so I’m not particularly worried.

I suppose that could be true, I haven’t seen any of those other movies you mention. He seems a pretty douchy guy though from what I’ve read, so I wouldn’t be surprised, let’s say... :P

I have a suspicion it’s a lot unhealthier to live on these scaremongering internet news stories that don’t even tell you what exactly you should be afraid of; just that you should be afraiiiddd!!!, than it would be to eat TV dinners for a lifetime.

Well I liked him in Bladerunner 20whatwasits, so there’s that... :)

Trust Randy to be able to come through as a 100% dicky douche in a statement that in two lines of text doesn’t say anything at all.