
I found the previous movie incredibly charming, funny and with a lot of heart, and altogether enjoyable through and through. Eff all the stupid haters.

So not this Falkor then, obviously, since he had a thing against water:

Yes pls thx!

So that makes a bunch of people jumping off a roof alright? Okay, mr capitalistofascist oppressor, I’ll take your word for it.

Unfortunately, you can’t cure sociopathy with therapy... :/

People (and Muskrat himself) like to compare him with Tony Stark, when he in reality is much more like Max Zorin.

His uniform appears to have gibberish chinese glyphs on the shoulders and lapels in several images (as if the AI is partially confuzzling him with uncle Mao perhaps.) Also, his array of medals are a smear of color on the final picture - interesting, but not very historically accurate I suspect. :)

I assume the non-intelligent AI gets confuddled by the many joints in a hand, and therefore the great variety of different shapes and profiles the hand can produce. Add on top of that, different people with different size/shape hands.

As someone who was actually alive and conscious in the ‘80s, I’d say that would be more of a hillbilly look, tbh. :D

I’ve never read a truly negative thing about Cruise as a person. It’s just the creepy scam organization he stans for which is problematic.

Bloomberg shows you can become a billionaire doing just that, but that would require talent, not just raw, pure, unadultered greed... :P

Over time, the exponential accumulation of these rogue proteins destroys the brain. It can take years to decades for symptoms like slurred speech, a loss of coordination, and dementia to appear, but once they do, death inevitably follows.

It’s been nearly 40 years since the big outbreak started, if you caught it back then surely it would have killed you long ago already by now. Mad cow isn’t an ongoing thing here in Europe, not anymore, and not for a long long time.

The dippractions were alright, but the enigemic sounds were unrecognizably, appallingly bad! I demand a refund!

“Artificial”. Just “artificial”. At least that’d be 100% true... :P

Most people don’t constantly expect to get ripped off by anyone/everyone - that’s how con men manage to operate. They take advantage of people’s goodwill.

Amazing things, yes. But Elon owns a very large chunk of SpaceX, and he’s a South African fascist megalomaniac narcissist, which makes it problematic when he calls himself “Technoking” and has a stated goal of creating a Martian colony. Remember that time he suggested people should be able to buy a ticket to Mars on

Unlikely. Falcon 9 had what, four or five failed launches, and after that zero total losses after launch. And it’s been over 200 launches now, with only one partial loss after launch (one engine blew up on the first stage during ascent.) This makes F9 the most reliable rocket ever.

You’re clearly a hateful mythomaniac who just pulls shit out of your rear end, thinking it is the truth. You know fuckall about anything.

It was intended to crash into the ocean anyway, and had a pre-stated quite limited chance of success doing that. It was always a throwaway prototype never meant to be recovered, it blowing up or not blowing up means nothing. They were never going to keep it, or re-use it.