
Omg, total clickbait. Every single crossposted “article” I see elsewhere on these sites has a headline that says something along the lines of “X happened, you won’t believe who/what Y is/did”. Never going to click on any of that shit, ever.

What unintended consequences would happen if they legally couldn’t?

Shitty Apple again being shitty to its own customers is yet another example that it doesn’t learn from its own past fails; forcing customers to pay out of pocket for their own bad designs is stuff that has repeatedly led to class-action lawsuits that the company has lost. This includes (and is probably not limited to)

Meh, activist judges don’t count. The 1st amendment clearly applies to the US gov’t ONLY, and speaks of LAWS not being permitted to stifle free speech. Well, private companies don’t have law creating powers, so there ya go.

You should go read the US constitution then, because it says nothing about privately owned and operated media outlets.

12 bucks for just the burger? Wtf, for that kind of money you get a handmade smashed hipsterburger in my city. Fast food crap from a factory chain costs less than half as much.

They won’t charge just a dollar more either, you can be sure of that.

I was able to create an old-style offline account for my new PC I bought last year because the windows installer had no driver for the wifi hardware on my motherboard, and it seems I had forgotten to plug in the ethernet cable or something like that. I don’t really care/fret that much about windows accounts, except

Can we be sure that you’re not? :D

I don’t know of any better laptop, I don’t think there is one - at the moment at least. Still, I like things being correct. It’d be wicked to have 70% battery left after surfing for 8 hours - although I think manufacturers would skimp on battery capacity long before we hit that point...

Hey, could be fun (Deadpool for example can’t fly either), if Marvel simply gets its act together again and goes back to making good shit that can stand up on its own merits while there being an over-arching long term plan that makes sense.

Simply reading my post should have told you I was talking about Atlas only - no need to fly off the handle because I didn’t criticize Elon’s latest money pit. Ok?

Why are you even going there? You make no sense, I didn’t even mention Elon’s hunk of junk.

We’ve already seen the damn thing walking around in real life, what’s there to hide? They either fucked up and posted the wrong video or Xitter fucked up and showed the lowest-rez lowest BW video as default. Simple as that.

You sound like an upset, thin-skinned snowflake Elon fanboy. Maybe you should fix that.

That’s a cool vid for sure, but Atlas doesn’t actually walk like a human does - look at his bent knees for example. Also, no flexible spine, etc. I assume that’s what the previous poster referred to.

Liability for what?! Fuckall, I say. They weren’t the actual winning numbers, they were published before the day of the actual draw (accidentally, allegedly), and the guy clearly bought his ticket after already having seen said numbers.

You can carry water for the billionaires your whole life and they still won’t love you back. You’re never going to be one of them. You’re just shooting yourself in the foot betraying your own kind.

The cunt is even being passive-aggressive in its responses. It clearly deserves to be destroyed.

Can’t even begin to imagine how much telemetry they slurp out of a laptop when even their mouse driver was infested with the shit last I checked. Having to create a “cloud account” for a fricken mouse, who’s ever heard of such nonsense?