
I would never ever buy a PC laptop, not even for gaming. Windows 11 is such a piece of shit OS it’s downright offensive to have to pay money for it. Apple’s total integration between hardware and software leads to a superior product and also overall user experience.

Power efficiency with the M3 is great, but not THAT great. :) He didn’t go BELOW 30% battery after 8 hours - which is pretty stinking good too.

Ultrasonic sensors are perhaps even better a tool than cameras to avoid low-speed impacts; a camera you need to actually look at for it to do you any good, whereas the sensor will alert you automatically with increasingly intensive audiovisual cues the closer to an obstacle you are.

Btw, there was nothing socialist about the NSDAP, it was all a smoke screen to attract the rubes.

There’s neither a need, nor really any genuine feasibility to steer during re-entry. Satellite controllers point it in the direction they want it to go, and that’s it. Once it enters the atmosphere it will start breaking up in short order, and the tiny thrusters designed for use in a vacuum wouldn’t be able to do

That it hasn’t already is atrocious.

Department of redundancy department on purpose there? :D

When you’re paranoid, ‘They’ are always out to get you.

Yes, that, or they’re simply fucking stupid.

Ah, right. Forgot that... Anyway, there’s more to her than meets the eye, I wager. Would like to know more.

Would love to see more Yelena, she’s a bag of fun. Not sure she’s much of a team player, but hell, she’s fun. :D

It’s so weird we haven’t had a single Avengers movie post-Thanos. The original Avengers was what, the sixth movie? They’ve released more movies than that in the years since, and a big buncha TV stuff too.

I would like to point out I’m not the one who first made this observation; I’m just observing that this is yet another instance of said observation being dismayingly accurate... :)

Steal from the rich: 20 years in prison.

Well, alright. Personal taste can’t really be argued against.

It has its legit uses... Watch the (nowadays) old horror classic “Jacob’s Ladder” for some good examples.

I don’t have any personal experience with north american airlines, but personally I’d nominate Ryanair for that particular award. Their CEO has - amongst other things - likened their own passengers to cattle, wanted to charge a quid for the use of the onboard lavatories (as if that experience isn’t harrowing enough),

Yes, that seems to be what these billionaire shits have in mind.

Maybe Apple will show off something interesting of this variety come their yearly developer conference this summer. Maybe.

AI is power hungry, both in terms of electricity and in computing hardware, and thus are very expensive to run. Particularly if you need to be able to process tens of millions of search queries every single hour.