
I didn’t think there even could be 24k web trackers per minute, it was inconcievable to me.

There’s probably a fuse for those lights somewhere. Just call that an on/off switch... :P

I co-sign all of the above.

I would have said Justin Hammer, but at least he could dance, so not so much probably really... :P

Compared to the amount of random space debris that burns up in our atmosphere every day, this won’t amount to very much in the long run.

Watching sports is just fucking boring. It’s like watching paint dry.

Pretty sure Judge Doom is a Disney character tho, and not WB... :P

I should have noted I was talking specifically about console digital sales, which absolutely are way more expensive than physical store-sold games. I myself bought the original Horizon: Zero Dawn for my PS5 off the PS online store a couple years back, it cost like...€55 or something like that. For what was at the time

Nothing you wrote there means anything whatsoever.

Why don’t you reply with something intelligent instead of a lazy ad hominem?

“Free thinker” thinks an iron-fisted dictatorship run by an unbelievably corrupt, evil, terrorism-loving theocratic regime is preferable to a western democracy - the irony-o-meter just shorted out there, moron. You’re spewing nothing except typical FUD and whataboutisms like dictatorial regimes always do.

Champions of physical games typically highlight the ability to trade or sell unwanted games, which platform owners artificially block when it comes to digital purchases.

Shit “leaders” for sure but at least they’re politicians and not fucking ayatollahs, moron. When was the last time there were elections that amounted to anything in Iran? Oh that’s right, never. (And that’s partly because of the Shah that us westerners put in place, but that’s a different discussion.)

I was too! :D

Disgusting whataboutist, apologist propaganda. The US is a shit country for sure - still miles difference to the theocratic DICTATORSHIP that is Iran, which tortures and stones people to death and turns women into property.

lol Iran a peaceful nation... They oppress and kill their own civilians in droves, they fund international terrorism and religious fanticism around the world, and they have a nuclear weapons development program.

Actually, more than 6.6 BILLION decent cups of tea...which is actually kind of close to my own personal needs, so, yay!

Dump has already suggested/claimed pictures of his syphilic fingers were AI-generated, so you’re already behind the times it would seem... :P

Yes, everything’s a conspiracy.

I prefer the feelgood stories where you hear the happy ending first, before all of the worries and heartache.