
Well, now that you put it in THAT way... ;)

Oh, I’m open to the possibility the claim could be wrong; I’ve simply never seen any evidence that it is. (Granted, this could be because I haven’t really bothered to look... :))

At the time of WWII, only the United States had nukes. Now count the number of nations that do today - which might soon include Iran, btw.

I dunno, I think I prefer someone who isn’t in essence a WMD in of themselves for Prez... :P

Chip manufacturing of anything even remotely modern is a rather high tech business, the chips Belarus is making is from the 1990s era. They can probably run an ABS system, but beyond that it’s going to be difficult.

Dangerous twit, tho... The most dangerous actually, by far.

They DO care. They want to not just make money, they want to make ALL the money. That’s why they fire people after announcing record profits and shit like that.

I admittedly don’t know shit about Murrican Handegg, but I feel like hitting the goal post itself from that kind of a distance should be worth 10 points.

You say “creepy”, and “stalking”, which are emotionally charged accusations. He’s highlighting these uber privileged peoples’ (extremely polluting) movements, that’s it. A private jet doesn’t have a right of privacy.

No, it has to be criminal for it to be extortion. Jesus...

Ugh, now you’re making me depressed, man! lol

This was how long ago now, how could I possibly remember? It was stuff being posted publically and widespread at the time, not some underground website for weirdos.

It’s not about communism of course. :P It’s about stopping a bad faith actor cynically allowing criminals to engage in system-threatening activities on their network, while they themselves deliberately turn a blind eye.

It’s still not good because these products are made in large numbers over many years, and eventually they wear out and likely end up in the trash where the lead could get released and leech into the environment. Even if recycled, lead could be released in dust form if ground up, plus it has a low vaporization point

Does the cockpit open up in some way, is there a hatch or something like that...?

Sandworm would break the record for most pieces in a lego set... :P

Carbon offsets is a feelgood pretend to be greeny hoax.

The world’s ultra wealthy are actually responsible for a rather major portion of pollution, way way outsize of what it should be compared to everyone else. It’s totally a valid concern to want to curb their rampant excesses, considering what’s happening to the environment of this planet - the only home we have in the

He’s posting the location of her aircraft(s - she’s got multiples? fucking hell...), NOT her.