
That’s not extortion. There were no threats or other illegal activity involved.

Who gets to decide who is allowed to re-post public information? Only the super rich and powerful?

I (usually, hm) try to not insult people just straight out of the blue like that, but man, what a truly idiotic whataboutism.

Seize all the assets of anyone who doesn’t comply.

It’s actually worse than that.

lol Fanboys are just the worst, dumbest people ever. I know, because I used to be a massive one myself - although unlike this guy I grew out of it long before my beard started turning grey.

This is attention-seeking, portraying themselves as poor helpless victims being bullied by the meanie woke big hollywood corps and the liberal media elites.

I enjoyed Carano’s performance in The Mandalorian, and I wouldn’t have cared about her political leanings as long as she kept them reasonably to herself (there’s SO many incredibly awful people in showbiz she rather pales in comparison, you just can’t boycot all of them even if you tried.)

SpaceX has had similar complaints too. Probably his other companies as well, the guy’s a toxic wastedump on two legs who enjoys bullying people and thrives on controversy by the looks of it.

Yes I agree, that was a shit post. My bad.

Yes, perhaps. Still, not my first choice personally. Hope he had frozen his sperms beforehand is all I can say...

No, that was based on information I’ve read elsewhere.

Thankfully both teslas and Apple headsets are expensive, so by simple practicalities there won’t be that many of them... :P

Letting people do whatever the hell they want until something bad happens is stupid, and also an invitation for disaster.

You can’t “skit” down a public road you absolute fucking moron. Jesus, what the hell is wrong with people?


Haha! *huurrgg*

lol :)

Yes I know, but many arcadey games work better with a controller, and controller games I don’t play on my PC. It’s a principle thing; keyboard+mouse ONLY. :D

Black Mesa is an actual place in NM, though. So it already exists. No secret mostly underground military research facility there to my knowledge though... :) Would perhaps be difficult, since part of the area is a nature preserve since ‘91. (Or maybe that’s the perfect cover to hide under!)