
I feel like I have seen this device somewhere else before... lol!

IE, they will have no feet, but lots of pouches? :D

Ok, but I think a stronger indicator of non-life would be the complete lack of metabolism in viruses. IE, they’re not actually alive, and never were in the first place.

You can hate on Elon for anything, because he’s a piece of shit. In the past, I chose to not hate on him, because the piece-of-shit-to-benefit-to-humanity ratio in the big scheme of things seemed to weigh over on the positive side, but that was back when he had “only” called a diving instructor pedo and some other

Black levels aren’t nearly as good on an LCD as on OLED, while peak brightness can be much higher for LCD - assuming the manufacturer splurges for decent LED lightbars of course. So if used outdoors on the go, LCD screen would probably give better performance... :P Indoors, in a room without sunlight coming in,

Was that supposed to be funny or something? wasn’t.

The Reeves cameo has been mentioned many times in media in the past, even before the movie released as I recall, so it doesn’t really count as a spoiler. Not that I’ve seen it myself - or plan to, for that matter, for obvious reasons...

Good on you for cancelling. As I recall, Amazon said Euros won’t be seeing ads - yet - so I’ve done nothing so far. On the other hand I hardly ever watch anything on prime video anyhow so I might as well cancel...

Can’t you write a text description which you read to your players, and then let their imaginations produce a mental image of what the character looks like? Like things used to be like since, you know, the dawn of storytelling?

I point out this was a teenager because we know 18-year-olds, although technically adults, aren’t particularly mature mentally. Perhaps you’ve forgotten what you were like at that age. And consequences of WHAT consequences though? No threat was made against anyone. Nobody died, or was even hurt in any way. YOU fuck

Press X to pay respects? Or is that a disrespectful joke to make? lol

Authoritarian bullshit, all of it. How does nailing this teenager to the wall help any of us? It just doesn’t, it just ruins someone’s life over what was a private joke (yes, snooping in on a private conversation doesn’t change that it was a private conversation.)

I’ve found that avoiding evil shit apps like Xitter, Facecrap, Instacrap and Tickcrap and so on leads to you NOT being inundated by notifications all the god damn time. I have notifications enabled in the legit apps I do use, which means the limited amount of notificiations I do get are legitimately informative. Like,

Ok, so with MS buying ActiBlizz, on one hand we have 1900 people laid off, multiple studios closed down, last remaining original employee of Blizzard resigning, and less freedom of choice and market competition because of games artificially being held off from release on Playstation consoles.

Proper terminology is important. You can’t “shoot down” a satellite, because shooting at a satellite doesn’t actually make it fall down. Say “destroy” or the like, not “shoot down”. The remains of the satellite will REMAIN in orbit, and be a danger to other satellites and spacecraft for an extended period of time.

I think you’re missing the big picture perspective here... Imagine a factory with an army of tin men brewing coffee for the human workers. Productivity would surely jump through the roof!

Nuke reactors are complicated machines that are extremely expensive and need highly trained staff running them and a lot of safeguards and have many many failure points, and a number of failure modes with some rather severe outcomes.

All energy and drinking water production on a cruise ship will be powered by fossil fuel-sucking piston engine gen-sets, with limited efficiency and high emissions as a result. The US national grid contains a decent amount of renewable energy production, plus the vast majority of drinking water doesn’t need to pass

You don’t need cruise ships though. Nobody needs them, plus they’re shitting up the environment of the only inhabitable planet in the universe that supports human life. Stop and think about that for one damn second.

As I recall, his character had a bit of a development arc, where he started off as an antagonist, and later ended up an ally. Sad to hear of his passing, RIP. :(