
Ok, you seem to have a somewhat liberal interpretation of what constitutes “doing this”. The electric G-wagon rotates precisely around the exact centerpoint between the wheels. (It is German, after all... lol)

lol You’re no free speech absolutist if you can’t take criticism. You’re just a thin-skinned egomaniac hypocrite.

If you’re more sinisterly inclined, you could see this as a dry practice-run for when the real purges start.

Nitpick: Prime Kirk said he’s “from Iowa”, not that he was born there.

You know that that dog is definitely dead, right?

Closed-off public road for a live-action spectacle. Anyone who don’t understand the distinction shouldn’t have a driver’s license.

Did his car have full four wheel steering? Because if not there’s no way he could have replicated this with a piston wheezer engine. Dragging the rear-end behind the front isn’t an actual tank turn.

I think you need to temper your expectations a bit and prepare yourself for disappointment, because there’s close to zero probability that these goggles will beat Apple at anything other than pure size/weight.

I liked Quantumania just fine. I haven’t seen “Marvels” yet, but I’m sure it’ll be fine too. Not sure what people expect of brainless action movies these days, to be honest. Everything works best if you disengage the brain the moment you slip into the movie theatre seat and raise your popcorn bucket.

Hahaha ok, you do you bud. You do you.

I’d say “marginal talent” myself though. I never found his schtik particularly funny myself.

Gods. What a petty dick. Disgusting pig dick too I should say, seeing as he wanted to pressure a woman into showing off her boobs against her will.

This isn’t social media, kiddo. It’s just the comments section on a website; don’t they teach you young’uns anything anymore?

Oh no oh no. You faker isn’t going to pretend to take any high ground here. You know I didn’t insult you (there’s no insults in my post), but you’re simply too prideful to admit your arguments and overall position is complete bullcrap, so you choose to blame me instead.

That’s a paranoid and overly negative viewpoint. Who’s spying on you through your smartphone? Who’s spying on me? You say you don’t know who, but that you’re convinced someone somewhere surely does?

Was looking at a Philips air moisturizer (super dry air indoors sadly), and the wicking structure doing the water evaporation was listed by the manufacturer of having an “up to 6 months” service life. So twice a year - at least! - I’m supposed to pay €35 for a new filter/wick for that bloody thing? Yeah, I’ll be right

Free speech absolutist can’t take criticism; fires anyone who free speeches against him.

I liked the first three seasons of AoS more than the last three, when the show was seemingly perpetually stuck inside the same set in every god damn episode. You could really tell when they cut the funding bigtime when they stopped doing all location shooting.

Cell towers are ubiquitous in urban areas, and often along major throughfares. But get off the beaten track and things can change very quickly, especially in hilly areas where line of sight is an issue. Cell towers are expensive to purchase and mount up, and require maintenance. If surrounding population density is

As I recall, Tom&Jerry resided at MGM, not WB. (The latter may have been absorbed by the former at some corporate merger thing, though... Speaking strictly historically here.)