
You know why... They want to pester you into turning that shit on.

Nothing wrong with “88" as such. It’s a fine, upstanding number.

Maybe they have, but this seems a bit of a stretch, honestly. Who would let themselves be roped in by supposedly nazi propaganda which supposedly consists of some hokey numerology?

You know, gassing rats is a pretty common form of actual vermin extermination. But I guess we have to stop doing that now that you have told us anyone doing this is a fucking nazi. *rolleyes*

Mario Kart is a 14 words dog whistle now I suppose.

Please. Stop. Just stop it.

Maybe I misinterpret you, but I just wanted to point out that the pah-wraiths appeared in DS9 a ways before the final season ending - they weren’t a new invention by that time.

But I didn’t insult you.

Yes, I understand the antics angle thing; what baffles me is that the guy isn’t like, cooking bad food on TV or some inconsequential shit like that, he’s giving financial advice.

Seems an excessively luddite take on this whole situation (although it should be said even the luddites weren’t actually luddites - they just wanted fair working conditions and fair pay. Instead they got perpetually slandered by their employers... lol)

ANY situation where customers are forced to pay for fake “money” which is then used in a storefront of some sort (like in only about 1 billion “free” to play mobile games), or deposit real money into a corporation-controlled “wallet” (where some of it will perpetually remain as overspill) in order to pay for things

The steering wheel is for that potential the car is driving us off a fucking cliff eeeaaarrrrggghhhh!!!!” moment, I assume. ;)

The vehicle manufacturer is a legal person in the US; fine them. It will be direct financial incentive for them to direct sufficient resources to improving the self-driving software, much more so than a carte blanche for their vehicles to commit all kinds of illegal activities (albeit unintentionally - one assumes,

A century?

The “do your own research” bit is largely BS and wishful thinking. The stock market is controlled by irrational decisions to such an extent that a person can’t predict where it will go with any degree of confidence. You may make big gains one day, only to be completely wiped out the next, following the same research

Oh no, not the boneheaded “all money is fake!” canard again. You can’t be so stupid that you can’t see the difference between real currencies backed by foreign currency reserves, precious metal reserves and their central banks, and further backed by actual economic assets (like, everything from family-owned small

He may be those things, but what he doesn’t seem to be is smart, or good at what he does. I would think those things would eventually get him fired, but it seems that’s not the case.

JET has also achieved sustained fusion for a decent duration; I believe the limiting factor there is the non-super conducting electromagnets in the reactor design; running the reactor longer would eventually damage/destroy the magnets due to heat buildup. :P

The plasma is mostly bottled up by powerful magnetic fields that hold the plasma inside the central portion of the tokamak (hence the donut shape of the reactor itself.) So the materials of the reactor vessel itself don’t make much contact with the plasma; if that was not the case the plasma would immediately dump its

So now we’re going to start annoying the aliens visiting/spying on us? Are we sure that is wise...?